DGIST 학교 랭킹작

디지생이 못 푼 문제를 찾아보자

문제 번호 제목
1223 마법의 돌
1274 커피숍1
1317 그룹 단어
1349 건축가의 나라
1363 트리
1366 기타 코드
1367 타브 악보
1378 증가 수열
1387 배열 교환
1397 인화철도 구구칠
1401 요컨대 형택이의 사탕봉지
1428 다각형의 개수
1447 보호 천막
1452 숌 크로스워드
1454 세비 게임
1458 종이 겹치기
1465 배열 고치기
1466 그림 고치기
1468 네트워크
1472 전화번호
1478 정사각형
1483 저항
1496 기타 고르기
1567 모든 사이클의 길이
1579 보물 찾기
1583 이동호의 트럭
1589 레이저
1596 영식함수
1597 아스키 아트
1610 프로게이머 영식
1611 강강술래
1618 구역 나누기
1641 삼각형 개수 세기
1651 숌 코드
1674 성준이와 초콜릿
1678 기차
1683 책장 맨 윗칸
1696 색 막대
1698 보안 패널
1732 레이저
1775 ASCII Labyrinth
1776 깜짝 선물
1815 방송국
1819 불끄기
1831 과수원
1844 농지 정리
1847 볼록다각형 만들기
1869 육각형
1870 지붕 제작
1880 Big Brother
1899 월드인의 공부 스타일
1928 게임고안
1950 지도
1968 우체부
1973 버스 노선
1995 폐쇄회로
2000 책장제작
2039 뱀 찾기
2043 수 묶기
2053 반직선
2059 작업 순서
2067 엘리베이터
2068 자전거 경주
2085 진법
2100 감시 로봇
2101 이미지의 에너지
2106 흑염소 감금하기
2114 동물원 우리
2120 셋이 놀기
2127 Limit Checking
2147 자리 배치하기
2177 급료 계산
2181 Walking the dog
2198 버스와 손님
2221 작업 공정
2227 Checking Causality
2249 Olympic Ranking
2260 핵폭탄
2265 거짓말쟁이
2267 Bus Timetable
2269 Prevtree
2277 금고 털기
2280 정사각형과 점
2286 비선형 수열
2297 직각 이등변 삼각형
2299 수식 계산
2340 이진 수열 회전
2345 지뢰 제거
2360 Teleport
2363 약수부분수열
2366 이진트리 그리기
2382 키워드 매칭
2383 Ferries
2384 I’m a Frayed Knot
2394 드라이브 투어
2395 순열의 개수
2402 거짓말
2425 레고
2510 어려운 매췽
2521 팬케이크 사랑 2
2537 점핑 사다리
2603 고속버스 노선
2683 황금 천장
2706 문자 보내기
2707 노말 정렬
2717 Model Rocket Height
2719 공간 개념 테스트
2732 Kindergarten Graduation
2734 드럼통 쌓기
2735 No Fold’em Hold’em
2736 모형 로켓 발사
2762 구역 채우기
2763 Histology Assistant
2768 세금 계산
2772 완전히 다양화된 수열
2781 놀이 동산
2833 나이트
2834 박스 정렬
2838 비숍 낙서
2856 동규가 설치한 그림판
2874 검정 직사각형
2883 남극의 과학자
2894 명탐정 홍즈
2895 그렘린
2901 CHUCK
2913 동혁 천문 관측소
2918 Arrange
2926 비례대표
2952 주기율표
2970 두더지
2996 큐브 모으기
3016 Clustering
3021 원형 자갈
3065 Tournament
3081 프로세서 디자인
3082 아름다운 제도
3084 FPS
3093 새 게임
3094 강아지 기다리기
3105 벽 쌓기
3112 쥐덫
3118 과학자
3134 A Standard Problem
3141 폭발하는 공
3150 NOGA
3171 크레인
3180 바나나
3198 nagibni
3200 xl
3201 vid
3202 papir
3247 A1
3272 SAFE
3302 Job Scheduling
3320 사진
3322 정렬의 시간복잡도
3325 Information
3328 Choosing Orders and Renting Machines
3331 Airport Show
3339 Mobile Service
3342 Lanterns
3361 Handshakes
3385 Speed Limits
3386 테니스 클럽
3388 L Game
3389 Moving Robots
3416 Boring Card Game
3422 Vigenère Cipher Analysis
3436 Strange Billboard
3438 Hexagonal Parcels
3439 Key Task
3441 Weird Numbers
3442 직각 다각형
3445 Tough Water Level
3446 Ants
3450 Desperate Electrician
3452 Bundling
3453 Shortcut
3454 Dice Contest
3455 November Rain
3457 Which is Next
3458 Hang or not to hang
3463 Calendar of Maya
3466 Choir
3468 Horizontally Visible Segments
3470 The Bulk
3471 Complete the sequence!
3472 Direct Visibility
3475 The Game of Master-Mind
3478 Run Away
3480 Secret Code
3481 The Proper Key
3485 Play on Words
3488 Substitution Cipher
3489 Commedia dell' arte
3493 Hares and Foxes
3494 Invitation Cards
3500 Flights
3502 Huzita Axiom 6
3504 Journey
3506 Lanes
3509 Cube Coloring
3519 계산왕 연산군
3521 Dome of Circus
3549 K-equivalence
3561 Aerodynamics
3562 Clock
3563 Finding Liars
3564 Exclusive Access
3569 Javanese Cryptoanalysis
3570 KINA Is Not Abbreviation
3582 Ants
3583 Building for UN
3585 Diver
3587 Fund Management
3591 Japanese Writing
3592 Kingdom Partitioning
3605 Billing Tables
3607 Driving Directions
3608 Exchange
3609 Fool’s Game
3612 Interconnect
3623 상범이의 액자
3627 Hardwood Cutting
3628 Knockdown
3641 호프집 선택
3642 자전거
3646 경비원
3647 흥미로운 집합
3660 열차 지연
3664 언덕
3668 Stock Prices
3670 Wormly
3672 Common Subexpression Elimination
3674 Fractal
3675 Mountain Road
3680 Wormholes
3686 Sculpture
3688 래프팅 디자인
3690 Videopoker
3694 Youth Hostel Dorm
3698 애매함
3704 Ticket to Ride
3705 Lineland’s Airport
3707 Unequalled Consumption
3708 Declaration of Content
3710 Pesky Heroes
3712 Tantrix
3714 Up the Stairs
3715 Secret — MAX
3716 Safety Grade
3717 Search by template
3718 Roots Intervals
3720 Choosing a camera
3721 Road Planner
3722 Term Generator
3723 Painting
3725 Calculator
3726 가장 큰 원
3727 프로그래밍 대회
3728 Control Points
3729 Gamers
3730 Cosmic Station
3731 Game
3732 Proof Generator
3735 Hard-working Student
3738 Multiprocessor Scheduling
3739 Maze Stretching
3740 Software Industry Revolution
3741 The Lucky Numbers
3742 The Robbery
3743 전략 게임
3744 The Bad Number
3750 Quick answer
3751 행운의 수
3753 Internet Service Providers
3756 ‘JBC’
3757 Loan Scheduling
3759 Highway
3762 Arne Saknussemm
3766 Sherlock Holmes
3767 Payment System
3768 Stargates
3771 “Shortest” pair of paths
3772 Linear world
3773 Songs
3774 Tour
3781 Cave Exploration
3782 City Game
3784 Cable TV Network
3785 Alibaba
3786 Booklets
3788 Delta Encoding and Decoding
3792 Lord of the Ring
3794 Power Network
3795 Firefighters
3796 Binary Polynomials
3797 Cash Machine
3799 BOAT
3800 Art Gallery
3801 Game
3804 Sly Number
3805 벌집들
3808 ACGU
3809 Old School Days
3810 Sentry Robots
3811 How do spiders walk on water?
3812 되팔렘
3832 Company Organization
3833 아름다운 레이아웃
3837 사이버 도넛 범죄 수사
3839 Game, Set and Match
3840 Guess the Numbers
3842 Peer Review
3843 볼록 정다각형
3848 Fake scoreboard
3851 Sensor network
3852 생산 공정
3853 자물쇠와 열쇠
3857 전구 게임
3859 Genetics
3862 Routing
3867 고속도로 위의 마을
3868 Awkward Lights
3869 The Two Men of the Japanese Alps
3871 Test Case Tweaking
3872 Where’s Wally
3877 Swimming Jam
3880 화학자의 수학
3883 Hobby on Rails
3884 Infected Land
3887 Stopped Watches
3888 Digits on the Floor
3890 Traveling Cube
3891 키워드 검색
3892 Top Spinning
3893 공통 다항식
3894 지그재그
3898 Lowest Pyramid
3899 도로 지도
3906 How I Mathematician Wonder What You Are!
3909 맨하탄 배선
3911 Polygons on the Grid
3912 The Best Name for Your Baby
3913 Enjoyable Communication
3915 Book Replacement
3916 Colored Cubes
3917 Organize Your Train
3920 Network Mess
3921 Bingo
3927 Confusing Login Names
3928 Dice Puzzle
3930 Inherit the Spheres
3931 Crossing Prisms
3935 바람의 신
3937 Gap
3939 Monster Trap
3947 폴하버의 삼각형
3949 Mad Veterinarian
3950 Windmill Animation
3951 Push-To Telescope
3953 Battleship
3956 Outsourcing
3957 Pizza Hawaii
3958 롤러코스터 타기
3960 Suffix Array Re-construction
3962 Track Smoothing
3963 Treasure Diving
3965 Genetic Fraud
3966 Indiana Jones and the lost Soccer Cup
3968 Magical Crafting
3969 My brother’s diary
3971 Sightseeing
3972 Suiting Weavers
3974 Absurd prices
3975 Cheating or Not
3979 Last Minute Constructions
3983 The Two-ball Game
3984 To score or not to score
4007 단어 추측 게임
4018 Babs’ Box Boutique
4021 I’ve Got Your Back(gammon)
4022 Parencedence!
4023 Road Series
4025 Sofa, So Good
4026 Town Square
4027 The Agency
4031 The Banzhaf Buzz-Of
4032 GPS I Love You
4033 Have You Driven a Fjord Lately?
4034 Mobile
4035 Wally World
4036 Cut It Out!
4037 Flip It!
4038 Maze
4039 Photo Shoot
4041 Pro-Test Voting
4042 Vampires!
4043 We’ve Got Chemistry, Babe
4045 Cover Up
4047 Flipper
4048 The Flood
4050 Trip the Lights Fantastic
4051 Windows
4052 Bordering on Madness
4053 Jack of All Trades
4057 Tanks a Lot
4058 The Worm Turns
4059 You’ll be Working on the Railroad
4061 A Foldy but a Goody
4063 Lemmings, Lemmings Everywhere. But Not For Long.
4065 A Puzzling Problem
4067 Target Practice
4068 Caterpillar
4069 Hie with the Pie
4071 The Mastermind Master’s Mind
4073 Stake Your Claim
4074 약어
4075 Countdown
4076 The Game of Efil
4078 Square Count
4079 Swamp Things
4081 Sunday Drive
4082 Hexagram
4083 직사각형 만들기
4085 Robot Navigation
4086 Folding Game
4087 Burnout
4088 Family Fortune
4089 Moving Points
4093 Data Recovery
4104 Block Game
4113 Series / Parallel Resistor Circuits
4116 Shoring Up the Levees
4119 A No-Win Situation
4120 A Walk in the Park
4121 Teleport Out!
4125 Room Painting
4126 Course Scheduling
4127 Tetrahedron Inequality
4128 Cookie Crumbs
4135 How Big Is It?
4137 487-3279
4147 Harmonious Matrices
4152 New Horizons
4164 Stack Machine
4165 Ideas
4169 Pipes
4171 Meltdown
4173 MC part deux
4174 Moveable maze
4177 Rotate to root
4178 Tic Tac Toe
4180 Nice Prefixes
4192 Logo 2
4193 Laurel Creek
4194 Rocket Stages
4199 Classified
4201 Snakes and Ladders
4208 열쇠
4216 Affine Mess
4229 Tournament
4234 Carpool
4239 Tour de France
4247 Translations
4249 Hermes' Colony
4250 EKG Sequence
4251 Water Main Break, Fixed
4252 Polly Nomials
4253 Pushing Boxes
4255 Galactic Breakup
4258 Knockout Tournament
4259 Plugged In
4261 Slots of Fun
4263 Rectilinear polygon
4264 Life Forms
4266 Rinse
4268 Mall Mania
4271 Cousins
4272 Ferry Loading IV
4273 Card Hands
4274 Eventually periodic sequence
4280 Flipping colors
4288 Pick-up sticks
4290 Structural Equivalence
4292 Magic Bitstrings
4293 Cutting a polygon
4295 Brownie Points II
4296 Great Circle
4298 Up the Ante
4301 Practice
4303 Treequivalence
4304 Antiarithmetic?
4309 Evil Straw Warts Live
4310 Mint
4311 Expanding Rods
4313 Work Reduction
4314 Grid Speed
4323 Biometrics
4324 XYZZY
4331 Intellectual Property
4333 Major Scales
4336 Temple of Dune
4338 Catenyms
4339 Basic
4346 Trains
4350 Faucet Flow
4352 Jogging Trails
4356 Return of the Jedi
4359 Forests
4360 A Star not a Tree?
4367 Subway
4369 Bounding box
4372 Subway
4380 Hotter Colder
4382 Saskatchewan
4390 Edit Step Ladders
4393 Snakes
4394 Snap
4398 Old Wine Into New Bottles
4400 Origami
4401 Fire Station
4404 Dog & Gopher
4413 CDVII
4415 Spaghetti
4440 Ritual Circle
4443 Spellcasting
4445 Tile Cut
4449 A Classic Myth: Flatland Superhero
4450 Collateral Cleanup
4453 Locksmith
4462 Zombie Swallows
4465 Tales from DeCrypt
4468 Save the Python Programmers!
4472 Blenjeel Sand Worms and Color Wriggles
4473 This Can’t Go On Forever
4474 Rescue Beacon
4475 Let the Wookiee Win!
4477 George Lucas and 1138
4479 The History of the Sith Rulers
4480 Laser Shot
4481 Power Grid
4484 Cave Crisis
4487 Optimal Strategy for the ICPC
4488 Symbolic Logic Mechanization
4489 Repair Depots
4490 Crazy Circuits
4491 PropBot
4495 Palindromic Primes Category in Jeopardy!
4496 Pebbles
4497 Rubik’s Cube®
4501 Games R Us
4502 Cover Up
4506 All Your Base
4507 단어와 주기율표
4508 This is Halloween: Saving Money
4510 Thinking Inside the Box
4511 Lightbulb Testing
4512 Operation: Merchant Boorinei
4514 Phil In the Blanks
4515 Honeycomb, Honeycomb, Me Want Honeycomb!
4516 YO!
4517 Barcode of Judgment
4518 Frenemies
4519 Know When to Hold Them
4520 I'm Attacking the Darkness!
4521 Rank and File
4522 The Extent of the Problem
4523 Filtration
4524 Like Water for Clay
4525 Wandering Aimlessly
4526 Cables ... in Spaaace!
4527 Patterns and Pictures
4528 No Wormholes Were Harmed...
4529 Tribute (Editor)
4532 The Screen Behind the Mirror
4533 Another Brick in the Wall
4534 The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
4535 Rout 66
4536 Schottkey 7th Path
4537 Another Version of the Truth
4541 Enigmatologically Cruciverbalistic
4543 Core Wars
4544 'Roid Rage
4545 Children of the Candy Corn
4546 Panic Room
4547 Plinko
4549 Jetpack Sniper 3000 Fragfest Extreme
4551 Janken Tactics
4553 Artificial Strife
4565 Any Way You Slice It
4567 The Mark of a Wizard
4570 Bounce
4572 Laser Tag
4578 Crash and Go(relians)
4579 Judges' Time Calculation
4584 Top This
4585 Quick Search
4588 Up and Down
4590 DuLL
4591 Black Vienna
4594 A to Z Numerals
4595 Cell Towers
4599 Hex Tile Equations
4601 Bulletin Board
4602 Serial Numbers
4605 Typesetting
4610 Electronic Document Security
4611 Guard
4612 Rock Skipping
4615 Power cables to sewer pipes
4616 Falling Ice
4617 Frugal Search
4618 Go Go Gorelians
4621 Overflowing Bookshelf
4622 Connect
4624 Time to Graduate
4628 Netiquette
4629 Get Them All
4630 Triangle Cuts
4632 Flow Layout
4633 Permutation Code
4634 Ink Blots
4637 Robots
4638 Bright Bracelet
4639 Treadmill
4640 Data Mining?
4648 Oil Pipeline
4654 Index Generation
4662 Edge Detection
4663 Instruens Fabulam
4698 부품 테스트
4699 Collision Detection
4702 Funhouse
4704 Tsunami
4717 Selling Cells
4719 Abstract Extract
4721 Spy Cam
4723 Parlay Wagering
4724 Extended Manhattan Distance
4725 Stringer
4726 Word ladder
4728 I-Soar
4729 Trie, Again Trie
4730 Stems Sell
4731 Signal Strength
4733 Mobiles Alabama
4734 Out of Sight
4735 Witness Redaction Plan
4736 Safety in Alchemy
4737 Potholes
4738 Bulls and Cows
4739 The Turn of the Shrew
4741 Enigmatic Travel
4742 Crosswords Insider
4743 Doors and Penguins
4744 Gypsy Moths
4745 Marbles in Three Baskets
4746 Generic Units Conversion
4747 Zoned Out
4748 Shrew-ology
4751 Extrusion
4753 Mobiles
4754 Context-Free Clock
4755 Right-Hand Rule
4756 WordStack
4759 Auctions R Us
4760 GHOST
4761 Doggone Moles
4764 All Roads Lead to Albuquerque, er, Rome
4765 Balanced Budget Initiative
4771 아름다운 삼각형
4776 Apply a Cold Compress
4777 A Baron Landscape
4778 In Defence of a Garden
4780 Chambers Ceramic Conundrum
4785 Walls
4787 Covered Walkway
4791 Juggler
4805 Emergency Room
4808 Shape Number
4813 User Names
4814 Citizenship Application
4815 Wealthy Family
4816 Supply Mission
4819 Chain Code
4820 Task
4823 Railroad
4825 Aronson
4827 Coverage
4829 Clickomania
4830 Balance
4831 Resistors
4832 Shuffling
4833 Papa
4834 Wax
4837 Trucking
4840 Tree Grafting
4844 Vacation Rentals
4846 Team Work
4847 Wavelet Compression
4854 String Equations
4855 Tire Dimensions
4856 Random Walk
4857 Paint Mix
4858 Open and Close
4866 별사각형
4873 SHAKE
4874 TOYS
4876 SHEET
4885 월드 오브 큐브
4886 나이트 이야기
4887 Jumping Beans
4895 Stock Chase
4896 땅 나누기
4897 Kind of a Blur
4898 National Treasures
4901 Match Maker
4904 Einbahnstrasse
4914 Incidental Points
4915 Let’s Go to the Movies
4916 The Writer's Club
4917 Moving Sticks
4918 Jonny Hates Math
4925 Minimum Spanning Tree
4926 A-to-Z
4930 Alpha of Degree k
4931 큐 소트
4936 What’s your Logo?
4940 Weaker than Planned
4941 Long Distance Taxi
4942 Driving an Icosahedral Rover
4944 Captain Q’s Treasure
4945 ASCII Expression
4946 Encircling Circles
4947 Round Trip
4952 Planning Rolling Blackouts
4953 Watchdog Corporation
4967 Tighten Up!
4972 Roll-A-Big-Ball
4973 ICPC: Intelligent Congruent Partition of Chocolate
4978 Twirl Around
4979 Dr. Podboq or: How We Became Asymmetric
4982 Hexerpents of Hexwamp
4985 Secrets in Shadows
4996 Water Tank
4997 Name the Crossing
5003 Eco-driving
5005 Galactic Warlords
5007 Infiltration
5016 Knigs of the Forest
5017 Car Trouble
5018 Private Space
5019 홀수, 짝수, 그리고 창영
5020 Enemy Division
5023 Borg Boogie
5027 Great Geek Game-show 3000!
5028 Polyomino Powers
5029 Statisticians
5030 Skyline
5037 Gokigen Naname
5038 Flight Planning
5039 Beacons
5045 Dinner
5047 Fixing the Bugs
5049 Hard Evidence
5050 Introspective Caching
5055 DNA 복사
5056 Circle of Debt
5061 Amphiphilic Carbon Molecules
5064 Jezzball
5065 Link and Pop -- the Block Game
5066 The Counting Problem
5072 The Floor Bricks
5080 Microspikes
5082 Image Segmentation
5083 Team Dessert
5084 Bat Positioning
5090 Street Numbers
5091 Hostel Nights
5094 Balloons
5096 Standing Pins
5097 The God Delusion
5098 Adjacent Edges
5099 Vectors
5108 Lego Bricks
5109 Extreme TTT
5110 A Foldy but a Goody
5111 Congested Networks
5112 Functional Programming Counts
5113 Packages Par Avion
5114 Ascii Art
5117 Martian Pranks
5118 Chemical Analysis
5123 Hiking Trails
5126 Numerology
5128 Bartering
5129 Runaway Time Machines
5136 Going to the Movies
5137 Mendelian Genetics
5138 Road Trip
5140 Rig Placement
5142 Oily Currents
5144 Ecosystem
5147 Network Expansion
5152 Emergency Room
5156 Health Plan Comparison
5158 Risk Assessment
5159 Stock Trading
5164 The Hare and the Hedgehogs
5165 Hermit Crabs
5167 Swamp Kangaroo
5174 Arsenic and Old Lace
5181 Overlap!
5183 Exam Seating
5185 Essay Writing
5189 Electrical Engineering
5198 And The Winner Is
5199 Volleyball Scores
5201 Swimming with Sharks
5203 New Friends
5215 로테이트
5216 축구
5224 Battleground Preservation
5226 Shut The Box II
5229 Most Frequent Square
5231 Rotation Maze
5233 Buddy, Can You Spare a Tronk?
5234 Find Fame in Disc Arena
5240 Life Connections
5241 Circle of Friends
5243 Aim It Right!
5244 Navi Navigation
5245 Locate Mining Center
5249 BOI-handsome
5265 Cipher
5266 Strange Dream
5267 Points
5268 The stairways of Saharna
5269 Toponyms
5374 올바른 바이너리 문자열
5379 Islands
5381 Popping Balloons
5385 Ultimate Finishing Strike
5387 Walking the Plank
5391 Top 2000
5395 Snooker
5396 Pie Division
5399 Penguin Bashing
5400 Gearbox
5402 Baby’s Blocks
5403 The Pharaoh’s Curse
5404 차원 워프 드라이브
5409 The skatepark's new ramps
5410 Road
5411 Warfare
5412 Blackjack
5413 Robintron
5416 Cell Phones
5417 Evacuation
5418 Giant Cover
5422 Tables
5423 Another Dice Game
5428 Good Coalition
5432 Stifling the Mutiny
5433 RNG
5434 Attack of the Giant n-pus
5435 Polly Wants a Cracker
5436 Rolling Dice
5439 Stealth Ninja
5440 In and Out
5441 Shuriken Game
5442 Evolution
5443 Have a Nice Day
5445 Equal Is Not Really Equal
5448 Acrobat Reader
5450 Imagine
5451 My Cousin Obama
5452 Bancopia
5453 Flipping Networks
5454 Insecurity
5456 Minotaur
5457 Mondriaan
5458 Nim/3
5459 Venus Rover
5483 Polish Flag
5487 Birthday
5488 That Nice Euler Circuit
5509 Polygon
5521 The Circle
5628 바이너리 행렬
5643 Spelling Suggestion
5645 Fence Making
5646 트리 경로
5647 연속 합
5650 Software Licenses
5655 평점
5669 Boxes and Stones
5672 Environment Protection
5673 Fix the Pond
5674 Game of Tiles
5680 Army buddies
5682 Candy’s Candy
5683 상학어
5684 Electrical Pollution
5685 파일 검색
5686 Garden Fence
5687 Hedge Mazes
5693 Ants Colony
5695 공원점
5697 Electric Needs
5700 활동과잉 소년 강산이
5701 Ingenious Metro
5703 Kids’ Wishes
5706 Another Crisis
5708 Code Lock
5709 Dinner Hall
5711 File Recover
5712 Grapevine
5713 Hooligan
5714 Isosceles Triangles
5718 Abwords
5720 진법 알아내기
5722 DNA 부분 수열
5726 Higgs Boson
5727 Traveling Shoemaker Problem
5728 Bora Bora
5730 Acquapia
5731 Ambiguous Codes
5732 Ballroom Lights
5734 Drop the Triples
5739 ICPC Scoreboard
5740 Justice League
5744 Jukebox
5745 Bubble Maps
5749 Report Recovery
5750 Turkish Roulette
5752 Mission Impossible
5754 ICPC Strikes Again
5755 Optical Fiber
5756 Where Are My Genes
5757 Computer DJ
5759 Light Up
5760 Land Division Tax
5761 Petanque
5762 Long Night of Museums
5764 Two-Stacks Solitaire
5765 Zing Zhu’s Oyster Farm
5767 Cutting Edge
5769 Make a Guess
5771 Secure Region
5772 Runner Pawns
5773 The Splitting Club
5774 Kryptonite Mine
5775 X-Mart
5776 Telecommunication Partners
5777 Child Play
5779 Square Lottery
5784 Duty Free Shop
5790 Log Books
5791 Myth Busters
5792 CrossNumber
5793 Movers Problems
5794 Monkey Business
5795 Fridge lock
5796 Fat Ninjas
5799 Slithering Serpent
5802 Roll-call in Woop Woop High
5803 Difficult Routes
5805 Insidious Branding
5806 Help-or-else
5807 Pahom on Water
5808 Detour Buster
5809 Oil Skimming
5810 Numbers Game
5835 Hill Walk
5877 Tied Down
5886 Unlocking Blocks
5887 Large Banner
5897 Symmetry
5906 Cow Run
5961 The Lost Cows
5969 Brownie Slicing
5970 Tree Decoration
5992 The Leisurely Stroll
5993 Invasion of the Milkweed
5994 Allowance
5999 Cow Rescue
6007 Cow Toll Paths
6015 Taking Turns
6016 Shipping Around an Island
6017 Cow Telephones
6024 Covering the Corral
6025 Cows on Ice
6026 Slowing down
6029 Chocolate Eating
6033 Great Cow Gathering
6034 Barn Allocation
6037 Test Taking
6044 Rocks and Trees
6045 Driving Out the Piggies
6048 Water Slides
6056 Darts
6058 Machine Schedule
6061 Holedox Moving
6070 Chocolate
6074 Winning Checkers
6077 Patting Heads
6078 Jigsaw Puzzles
6082 Earthquake Damage
6083 The Baric Bovine
6084 Safe Travel
6085 Best Spot
6089 Pumps and Pipes
6093 Competition
6094 The Leprechaun
6102 Earthquake Damage 2
6112 Holiday Painting
6121 Grazing2
6133 Random Walk
6140 Radar Installation
6152 Treasure
6227 Time Planner
6243 Mileage Bank
6244 Moving Object Recognition
6251 Leaking Dike
6252 Fire Evacuation Plan
6253 Forgetful Waiter
6254 Computerizing a Stockroom
6256 Rectangular Painting
6257 Corrupted BST
6258 Sightseeing
6261 Hopeless Coach
6262 Yungom
6263 New Island
6265 Sharif Super Computer
6266 Circle Artwork
6269 Team Arrangement
6270 Barbara Bennett's Wild Numbers
6271 Calculating Taxi Fare
6273 Against Mammoths
6274 Chessboard Dance
6275 Islands and Bridges
6276 Treasure of the Chimp Island
6277 Warez Test
6278 Zombie’s Treasure Chest
6281 Winmine.exe
6282 Very Boring Homework
6283 Universal Question Answering System
6284 Triangles and Quadrangle
6285 Share the Cakes
6287 Quelling Blade
6295 Left labyrinths
6296 Crazy Search
6297 Intervals
6298 Family
6299 Timetable
6301 Water Treatment Plants
6302 Servers
6303 Optimal Programs
6304 The die is cast
6305 It's not a Bug, it's a Feature!
6306 Reflections
6307 Going in circles on Alpha Centauri
6308 Blowing Fuses
6309 Fast Food
6310 Sorting Slides
6311 Single-Player Games
6313 Instant Complexity
6314 There’s treasure everywhere!
6317 Always on the run
6320 MBone
6327 Cog-Wheels
6329 Number Game
6330 Ouroboros Snake
6331 Fold-up Patterns
6332 Railroad
6333 Smith Numbers
6334 Maze
6337 Dreisam Equations
6338 Formatting Text
6339 The Game
6340 Dividing
6341 S-Trees
6343 King
6344 Prime Land
6345 Word
6346 Time
6347 Puzzle
6348 Append
6349 Gossiping
6350 Tin Cutter
6352 L-system
6353 Packets
6355 Intervals
6357 Network
6364 Dehuff
6366 Strictly Inscribed Similar Triangles
6386 Cog-Wheels
6388 Enigma
6391 Number Game
6393 Code Breaking
6394 Eeny Meeny
6396 Bonus Bonds
6398 Laser Lines
6399 Roman Numerals
6401 Network Wars
6402 Strategy
6403 Keywords
6404 City Navigation
6405 Paper Folding
6406 Shuffling Patience
6407 String Computer
6408 Stamps
6411 Theseus and the Minotaur
6412 Xenosemantics
6413 Clock Patience
6414 Car Trialling
6415 Mapping the Route
6418 Nonstop Travel
6419 Doing Windows
6421 It's Ir-Resist-Able
6424 Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence
6425 Transferable Voting
6428 Stars
6429 Hexagon
6430 Domino Effect
6431 Pendulum
6432 Border
6434 Ships
6440 Synchronous Design
6441 Graph Coloring
6442 Triangle
6449 Frame Stacking
6451 Alien Security
6452 Octal Fractions
6454 Trip Routing
6455 Transaction Processing
6456 Perfect Hash
6457 Pascal Program Lengths
6461 Adam's Genes
6464 Horse Shoe Scoring
6465 Stats
6468 Gears on a Board
6473 Unix ls
6475 M*A*S*H
6477 Radar Scopes
6480 Identifying Legal Pascal Real Constants
6481 Extrapolation Using a Difference Table
6483 The Finite State Text-Processing Machine
6484 PostScript Emulation
6486 Cowculations
6488 Hi-Q
6489 Call Forwarding
6490 Making the Grade
6507 Forest
6510 Annoying painting tool
6511 Black and white painting
6514 Expressions
6517 Halloween treats
6518 오타 자동 수정
6519 Basic wall maze
6520 Construct the wall maze
6522 Economic phone calls
6524 Wine trading in Gergovia
6526 Ambiguous permutations
6530 European railroad tracks
6532 Game schedule required
6533 Help the problem setter
6539 Fractran
6540 Huffman's Greed
6541 Binary Search Heap Construction
6544 Fixed Partition Contest Management
6547 Fold
6548 Genetic Code
6551 Balanced Food
6552 California Jones and the Gate to Freedom
6557 Hall of Fountains
6559 Bound Found
6560 Code the Tree
6561 Decode the Tree
6563 Fiber Network
6570 Equidistance
6572 Phylogenetic Trees Inherited
6573 Hike on a Graph
6575 Bee Maja
6578 Euro Cup 2000
6583 Balancing Bank Accounts
6596 Globetrotter
6606 Charlie the Cockchafer
6607 Gregory the Grasshopper
6608 Lisa the Ladybug
6610 Rhinoceros Beetle
6611 Simon the Spider
6617 Mine the Gradient
6618 Invasion
6619 Intergalactic Mortgage
6621 Ambiguous Result
6623 Arbitrage?
6624 Bus Schedules
6625 Bus Clock Display
6628 Prohibición de fumar
6629 Pyramid Guards
6630 Hack around the Lock
6631 God Save the i-th Queen
6633 Clock Captcha
6636 Letter Lies
6637 Odd Opportunities
6638 Peculiar Primes
6639 Robotic Rails
6641 Alea iacta est
6643 International Collegiate Programming Contest
6646 Wooden Fence
6648 Government Help
6649 Tree Insertions
6650 Catch the Bus!
6653 Geometric Shapes
6655 Money Money Money, Must Be Funny
6656 Railway Transportation
6657 Soccer Tournament
6658 Hypertheseus
6659 All Friends
6660 Board Game
6661 Crane
6663 Emag eht htiw Em Pleh
6664 Failing Roads
6665 Go Endgame
6668 Agents
6669 Boatherds
6671 Death to Binary?
6673 Firepersons
6674 God of the Vile Baskers
6675 Herbalists
6678 Bridge Hands
6681 Truck History
6682 Base Numbers
6683 Paper Cutting
6684 Hexagonal Routes
6685 Storehouse
6686 Traffic Jam
6687 Sea Battle
6689 Defragmentation
6690 Formatting Text
6691 Hole Cutter
6693 Complicated Route
6695 Mysterious Villa
6697 Pizza delivery
6698 Ball bearings
6699 S-Nim
6701 Who owns the Amiga?
6702 Lazy Evaluation
6703 Easter holidays
6705 Hardware
6706 Budget
6707 Frogger
6708 Gallup
6710 Spiderman’s workout
6711 Subway planning
6712 Exploding CPU
6715 Moving Pianos
6717 Quantum
6719 Downpayment
6720 Simplified λ-evaluations
6722 Christmas presents
6723 Tournament ranking
6727 Bridge placements
6728 Request for permission
6729 Traffic planning
6730 A model railroad
6731 Comment removal
6732 R.Ø.L.P.
6733 A fair jury
6735 Returning books
6737 Parsing Real Numbers
6738 Co-workers from Hell
6739 Connected Gheeves
6740 Rotating Scoreboard
6741 ACM Underground
6742 Expression Evaluator
6743 Rectangle Cutting
6745 Software Company
6746 The Happy Worm
6748 Odd Loving Bakers
6758 Tourney
6759 LHC
6760 A Romantic Movie Outing
6761 Transforming Comets
6774 Mhocskian Languages
6775 Editor Distance
6776 Sample Size
6777 The Winds Of War
6788 Putnam
6789 Vampire Tunnels
6790 Spies Like Us
6791 Reorganization
6792 Fixing Disks
6793 Biggest (Zero Carbon) Footprint
6803 Nutrient Tree
6804 Barking Dogs!
6805 Tree Pruning
6807 Computer Purchase Return
6820 Dinner
6852 Bowling for Numbers++
6981 Safebreaker
6999 Guessing Game II
7000 Ent Numbers
7001 King Thrór’s Gold Problem
7002 Maximum Damage
7003 Checker Board
7006 To bet, or not to bet
7007 BSP Trees
7008 Double Trouble
7009 Relief Supplies
7010 Snowball Fight
7011 Weather Forecasting
7012 Building Snowmen
7013 Walking on Thin Ice
7018 Railway Connection
7020 Generic Poker
7021 Patisserie ACM
7024 Letter Game
7025 Packing Rectangles
7026 Shopping Offers
7035 Recycling proteins
7039 Barn Expansion
7047 Clouds
7049 Trips
7050 Football league
7051 Puzzle
7054 Trip
7055 Bugs Integrated, Inc.
7056 A decorative fence
7068 Diamonds
7070 Cards
7080 A New Beginning
7082 Strip
7083 CPU
7084 Requests
7085 Couples
7086 Sailing race
7087 Tickets
7088 Word counting
7093 The Running Man
7094 Task Execution
7096 Street Network
7097 Cycle Detection
7098 QuadTrees
7108 Billiards
7109 The Value of an Expression
7110 The Folded Sheet
7150 Automatic Trading
7152 Flooding Fields
7156 Unreal Estate
7157 조건문
7158 유니폼 서브트리
7160 Puzzle of numbers
7162 House construction
7289 Entertainment
7290 Fortune at El Dorado
7291 Griddy Hobby
7294 Joy of Mobile Routing
7295 IOI Photos
7296 Vice City
7297 Fixing Codes
7298 Wiping Words
7300 Points
7301 ACM-Telecom
7302 Prince of Persia
7303 House Numbers
7305 Optimal Keypad
7306 Hey, Pay Day!
7307 Unfoldung
7309 Map Labeler
7310 Balanced Chemical Equations
7311 Grandpa's Other Estate
7312 Afshung Pizza Delivery
7313 Housing Complexes
7314 Spacecraft Malfunction
7315 Blue x Red = Bang
7316 JaWs
7319 The Bermuda Triangle
7320 Deformed Wheel
7321 Illusive Chase
7322 Puzzle Out
7323 The Willy Memorial Program
7324 Parallel Expectations
7325 University Entrance Examination
7327 Puzzlestan
7328 Dynamic Declaration Language (DDL)
7329 Color Tunnels
7330 Lazy Math Instructor
7331 Buggy Sat
7333 Dolphin Pool
7334 3002 Rubbery
7336 Painting A Board
7337 Crossed Matchings
7338 Counting Rectangles
7339 An Old Stone Game
7341 Space Ant
7342 The Erythea Campaign
7349 Farmland
7350 정사각형 부수기
7351 What's In A Name?
7352 Sorting It All Out
7355 Space Station Shielding
7356 Roads Scholar
7357 Robots
7362 Picnic Planning
7363 Rational Approximation
7364 Checker's Check
7371 John's trip
7375 Cipher
7379 Taxi Cab Scheme
7380 Pseudo-random Numbers
7381 Card Game Cheater
7382 Investment
7383 Pipes
7388 Chandelier
7389 Document Indexing
7391 Find the Border
7392 Gunman
7393 Irrelevant Elements
7394 Joke with Turtles
7395 Kingdom of Magic
7398 Bring Them There
7409 Bricks
7410 Cricket Field
7412 Evacuation Plan
7413 Folding
7414 Ghost Busters
7417 Team them up!
7418 Brackets sequence
7422 Statistical trouble
7423 Library
7442 Rating
7444 Parliament
7445 Defragment
7449 The mysterious X network
7452 Buy or Build
7459 Angry Teacher
7462 Drawing Windows
7470 Artinals
7471 Banal Tickets
7472 Crankshaft
7473 Destroying The Graph
7474 Experiment "X": Explosions Expected
7478 Invariant Polynomials
7479 Jogging
7485 Exam
7486 Platforms
7488 앵그리 라바
7491 Lucky Controller
7492 Bukazoids
7494 Dancers
7495 Embassy
7496 Dictionary of Obscene Words
7498 Fractal Cake
7499 Hexaroman Numbers
7500 Beam in Tunnel
7502 Game on Chessboard
7504 Online Shopping
7505 Playground Hideout
7506 Rain on your Parade
7508 Filthy Rich
7509 Robotic Invasion
7514 Palindromes
7518 Traveling Queen Problem
7519 Mine Map
7520 Knights of the Round Table
7522 Relocation
7524 Kick-Tipp
7526 Citystar
7527 Escape
7528 Holiday Gifts
7529 Soccer
7531 A Knight’s Journey
7533 Pimp My Ride
7534 Scavenger Hunt
7536 Jamie's Contact Groups
7539 Military Recruit
7540 Strategies
7542 Forest Fires
7543 Pia’s Party
7544 Castle Walls
7545 DNA Laboratory
7548 Dory’s Phonebook
7551 Formula Racing
7552 Ancient Plates
7553 Box Art
7555 Friends
7557 Mayan Dates
7559 Regetni
7560 Cocktails
7564 Automatic Poetry
7565 Ranking List
7566 Ship Journey
7580 Team Selection
7590 Expressions
7591 Circles
7592 Stars
7593 Missing Letters
7594 Jury Compromise
7603 Queen Kingdom
7605 Traffic Engineering
7606 The Race
7608 Bargain or No Bargain
7614 Parity
7617 Company
7621 Fish Catch
7622 The (Bayesian) Hound and the Hare
7624 Minesweeper
7625 Space Boomerang
7641 Equilateral Dominoes
7643 Game Rigging
7645 A Reasonable Ranking
7646 Burns’ Rods
7649 Energy Collection
7650 Futurama
7652 Bonsai
7653 Fruit Bowl
7655 Leap Frog
7660 Apocalyptic Alignment
7661 Boundless Boxes
7663 Dreadful Deadlines
7664 Earthquake Emendations
7665 Folded Fixtures
7666 Globulous Gumdrops
7667 Honed Hops
7670 Game Dice
7672 Pool
7674 Censorship
7675 Change
7688 Colored stones
7689 RSI
7690 Do it!
7691 Cake Cutting
7692 Election
7693 Nash Equilibrium
7697 Planet Hunting
7718 2D Matrix
7720 Vigener Cipher
7721 Hiring the crew
7723 Cypher
7724 One way roads
7725 Voting
7728 Painting patter
7730 Necklace
7731 Neighbours
7732 Downtown
7733 Book-case
7735 Duopoly
7736 Stock Exchange
7738 Collision of asteroids
7739 Cards
7740 Ugly lines
7743 Triangles
7745 Coloring maps
7746 Reverse numbers
7748 Encoding
7749 Cell phone tunes
7750 Three Bit Computer Strikes Back
7751 Coloured leaves
7773 Deepest Station
7776 Grid
7781 Log Analysis
7792 Superstitious Skylab Tower
7793 Panda Land 5: Panda Programming Language
7794 Almost Clear
7804 Taxi!
7807 Playing With Domino
7809 The Adventure in Panda Land Part I: Panda Number
7810 Jakarta Traffic Jam
7811 Sultan's Land
7822 Worst Locations
7823 Counting BST
7824 Playing With Stones
7825 Arm Wrestling Tournament
7826 Lightning Energy Report
7828 더해
7829 Serial Numbers
7871 Better and faster!
7874 Everybody may get lost in space
7876 Garlands
7877 Hypervisor MacrOS
7880 Knowledge for the masses
7884 Museum
7885 Morphing is fun
7887 Suffix reconstruction
7889 힙 세기
7892 Johnny and the Quadratic Equation
7893 Vase collection
7895 Prison rearrangement
7896 Sightseeing tour
7897 A number game
7899 Markov Trains
7902 The Picnic
7904 허프만 트리
7912 Bits Generator
7917 Potrójne drzewa
7918 Triangulacja
7920 Słoneczna wyspa
7923 Spacer
7924 Suma kontrolna
7925 Wąż
7926 Chciwi rolnicy
7927 ADOM
7928 Artefakt
7930 Ciekawy Książę
7931 Dzień Szachisty
7932 Egzotyczny układ mechaniczny
7933 Fiołkowe puzzle
7934 Goździki
7937 Jaka data?
7939 Sygnał
7940 Armaty
7942 Piąty wymiar
7944 Autostrady
7945 Hurtownia czekolady
7950 Szaszłyki
7951 Radio
7952 Jaskinia
7955 Popisowa samoobrona
7957 Cash Dispenser
7958 Points
7959 Toy Cars
7960 Piggy Banks
7961 Knights
7968 Special Forces Manoeuvres
7970 Double-row
7972 Mirror Trap
7974 Vending Machine
7978 Evaluation of an Expression
7990 Gates
7992 Passage
7996 Maximal Orders of Permutations
8000 Printed-Circuit Boards
8001 Smugglers
8005 Tiles
8007 Treasure
8010 Shuffle
8011 Railways
8013 Superknight
8014 Island
8015 Castle
8018 Counting-Out Rhyme
8019 Resort
8021 Minuses
8022 Skiers
8023 Balance
8024 B-Smooth Numbers
8025 Brackets
8028 Green Game
8032 Peaceful Comission
8033 Island
8034 Ants and the Ladybug
8035 Travel Plan (Small)
8036 Wandering Flea Trainers
8037 Necklaces
8038 City Tour
8039 Bank
8041 Chain
8043 Stripes
8044 Viruses
8045 Signatures
8046 Automorphisms
8047 Triple-Arm Crane
8048 Code
8049 The Labyrinth of Wells
8051 P-Broken-Line
8052 Agents
8054 Promotion
8055 Polygons
8056 Musketeers
8057 Empty Cuboids
8058 Rockets
8059 Speleology
8060 Sleepwalker
8062 Ice rink
8063 Three-Coloring of Binary Trees
8065 Map
8066 Altars
8067 Primitivus
8069 AB-words
8070 Painter's Studio
8071 One-sequence
8072 Polygon
8074 How to Pack Containers?
8078 Assembler Circuits
8079 ATMs
8080 Chase
8082 Flat Broken Lines
8086 Cheap Travels
8089 Addon
8090 Genotypes
8091 Petrol
8092 Recursive Ant
8093 Credibility of Witnesses
8097 Ali Baba
8099 Messengers
8100 Containers
8102 Castle
8104 Fibonacci Words
8105 Gambling
8106 Agents
8107 Boxes
8108 Knights
8113 Disk Optimization
8116 Mudstock Bis
8119 Polygon
8122 Chute
8123 The Concatenation of Words
8132 Dancing in Circles
8135 Teddies
8147 Railway
8148 Gas Pipelines
8151 Building Blocks
8152 Quaternary Balance
8153 Toll
8154 Building blocks
8156 Robinson
8157 Mirror trap
8162 The Great Escape
8163 Lights
8164 Plot purchase
8165 Subdivision of Kingdom
8167 Permutation
8168 Station
8174 Isles in a Triangular Grid
8179 Words 2
8180 Words
8183 The Code
8187 Divine Divisor
8199 Ones
8207 Strongbox
8215 Inspection
8255 Wypożyczalnia nart
8256 Zima
8257 Dwójkowy zbijak
8258 Fosa
8259 Korniki
8260 Pająk
8262 Dwa torty
8263 Inwazja kosmitów
8265 Plecak
8267 Sad
8268 Tasowanie
8269 Transformacje
8275 Pedestrian Crossing
8276 Fuel
8277 Plotter
8278 Declining Sequences
8280 Trails
8281 Vacation
8284 Laser Pool
8285 The Shortest Period
8299 Fragments
8301 Evacuation
8303 The Goat
8305 Termites
8306 Bytie's Display
8307 Byton Tree
8309 Planning the Roadworks
8315 Divisors
8318 Blindfold Nim
8323 Dice
8324 Pawn
8325 Drilling
8326 The Way to Bytemountain
8327 Stamps
8328 Byteantean Towns
8329 Circular Game
8330 순열
8331 Quasi-template
8332 Cakes
8333 Diamond
8334 Cards
8335 Fishes
8338 Type Two de Bruijn Sequences
8343 Watchmen
8344 Tram
8348 Paper Clips
8349 Diagonals
8350 Studies
8354 Journey
8355 Questions
8356 Chessboard
8357 Cliquers Strike Back
8358 Safe
8359 Dragon Milkdrinker
8360 Potato
8361 Near 2
8365 Reconstruction of Byteland
8366 Return of the Cliquers
8367 Electricity
8368 Computation of a Road Network Plan
8369 Enumeration of Road Network Plans
8372 Conference - Rectification
8373 Conference
8375 Sheets
8376 Improvisation
8377 Sport Clubs
8378 Buses
8379 Clouds
8380 Video-Poker
8383 Almost Conjugates
8384 Cubes
8389 Speed Limits
8390 Straight Lines 2
8391 Microchips
8392 Sunsets
8395 Segments
8396 Sawmills
8398 Worms
8399 Farmer's Field
8400 Crayfish
8401 Words
8403 Ant
8404 Straight Lines
8405 The Temple
8409 Strong-box
8412 The Game
8413 Contour Lines
8414 Tetris
8415 Rooks
8418 Biblioteka
8420 Linie autobusowe
8422 Autostrady
8424 Formuły
8425 Jan
8426 Kosmiczna budowa
8428 Dziurawa szachownica
8429 Drogi
8430 Superkomputer
8431 Bilard
8432 Dźwigi
8433 Usługi kurierskie
8434 Wielomian
8435 Wygaszacz ekranu
8438 Dyzio
8440 Bajtocka Agencja Informacyjna
8443 Superliczby w permutacji
8444 Tomki
8445 Tańce gordyjskie Krzyśków
8446 Rączy jelonek
8447 Kostka
8449 Czekolada
8450 Ninja
8451 Wieczór kawalerski
8454 Rysunek
8455 Wychowanie fizyczne
8456 Obława
8463 Zagadka
8482 Express Delivery
8486 Cykl nieparzysty
8487 Satelity
8488 Ciąg
8489 Listonosze
8490 Skoczki
8491 Modernizacja autostrady
8492 Taniec
8493 Bajtori
8494 Drzewa
8495 Światłowody
8497 Mapa
8499 Mechagodzilla
8500 Wesołe miasteczko
8502 Genomy
8503 Nieokiełzane drzewo
8504 Przedziały
8505 Komputery trzybitowe
8507 Pejntbrasz
8508 Komputery Trzybitowe kontratakują
8509 Proste
8510 Żaglówka
8511 Wędrówki górskie
8512 Mapa
8513 Wirusy
8514 Biuro
8515 Klocki
8516 Klocki powracają
8517 Zbiory
8518 Klocki reaktywacja
8519 Walkie-talkie
8520 Approximation
8521 General Bytor
8522 Hyperclock
8524 Mapy
8525 Cylinders
8526 Races
8527 Divers
8528 Plan zajęć
8530 Ritual
8531 The Lost Fraction
8532 Excursion
8533 Zachody Słońca 2
8534 Żarłacz bitowy
8540 Wrocławskie ZOO
8542 Żuki
8543 Superszybkie wyścigi w kółko
8549 Autostrady
8550 Turniej
8551 Blokada
8552 Gra Fibonacziego
8554 Widoczność
8556 Pająki
8557 Sojusz
8565 Ustawiony turniej
8566 Wycieczka
8567 Wiejski listonosz
8568 Skoczki
8644 Jednoręki bandyta
8645 Strajk
8647 Panorama Bajhattanu
8648 Genom
8649 Iloczyn
8650 Konduktorzy
8651 Mutacje
8652 Podatki
8654 Działka
8655 Filary
8656 Kryształ
8657 Mrówki
8683 Budowla
8686 Banki
8688 Wycinek
8691 Radiotelegraf
8694 Szklanki
8695 Pociąg
8696 Chińczyk
8697 Drzewa
8698 Halloween
8699 Podciągi arytmetyczne
8700 Operacje
8701 Robot
8702 Drogi ekspresowe
8704 Trójmiasto
8705 Punkty
8706 Wrogie Państwa
8707 Dolary i Euro
8708 Sprężyny
8709 Zmaksymalizowany podzbiór
8739 Domino
8745 Cykl
8746 Śmieszny konkurs informatyczny
8747 Zegary
8748 ABC
8749 Ciężkie klocki
8750 Najdłuższe rosnące podciągi
8751 Guziki
8752 Pokoje
8753 Przyjazne punkty
8754 Kupiec
8755 Materiały Wybuchowe
8756 Dziwna planeta
8758 Myszka
8759 Najdłuższy Wspólny Rosnący
8761 Metro
8763 Berek
8764 Kontynent
8765 Slajdy
8766 Przewody
8767 Marsz Pierwszości
8768 Posłańcy
8769 Podsłowa
8770 Zaginanie papieru
8775 Przeprawa
8776 Strażnice
8777 Podzielność
8779 Rywalizacja
8780 Sejf
8787 Paweł i Gaweł
8788 Trasy
8790 Paweł i Gaweł 2
8791 Bukiety
8792 Podgatunki
8799 Zapytania
8800 Indiana Jones wśród zombie 2
8801 Domino
8802 Pługi
8803 Nigdy nie mów nigdy
8809 Mistrzostwa
8811 Inwestycje
8813 Proste separujące
8814 Słownik
8821 Cegły
8823 Ułamki
8824 Wycieczka
8825 Sieć Wi-Fi
8829 Muzeum
8830 Awans
8831 Program
8832 Reszty
8833 Manewry
8834 Kolejka
8835 Mnożenie
8837 Sprawdziany
8839 Zbyszek
8840 Chomik
8841 Zgadywanka
8843 Dostawa
8845 Gra
8849 Eksperyment
8850 Witraż
8852 Kaktus
8853 Magiczny prostokąt
8855 Formuła
8856 Moda na zwycięstwo
8860 Hossa
8862 Wzorzec
8863 Jesienna wycieczka
8864 Podobne miasta
8865 Prawie jak LCS
8866 Wizy
8867 POlitycy
8868 Tekstowe
8869 System zapisów
8920 음식점 개업
8924 Airport
8926 점프
9073 말이 안되는 명대사
9083 셔틀버스
9096 Tiling Up Blocks
9116 Mineshaft
9121 Lucky Light
9122 Sightseeing
9124 Bonus Word
9125 Contest
9127 Escape
9128 피곤한 외판원
9129 Space
9130 Herbert
9131 Oh, Those Achin' Feet
9136 Number That Count
9142 Nástěnky
9144 Gnome
9145 Herci
9146 Linie
9147 Počítáme ponorky
9148 Rozejděte se!
9149 Pražská spojka
9150 Tokeny
9152 e-Market
9154 77377
9155 Beehives
9156 Young, Poor and Busy
9163 Taunt Exposure Estimation
9164 Ye Holy Hand Grenades!
9165 Nested Shrubbery Boxes
9166 And Now For Something Completely Different!
9173 Constant Irritation
9174 If only I could think Linearly...
9180 Rate of Return
9181 A Card Trick
9185 Unscrambling Images
9210 복권 표
9211 타이밍
9216 The Queen's English
9217 Powerbase Format
9218 Jumble Match
9219 Road Trip
9220 Baffled!
9221 A Voting Protocol
9222 Family Trees
9224 Box Toppling
9225 Superstitious Helicopter Pilots
9235 Fragment reassembly
9236 고급 레스토랑
9245 댄스
9247 절벽 걷기
9256 Call Me Back, Please!
9257 Suspicious Orders
9258 Code Breakers
9271 Influence
9274 종이 지도
9277 꽃병
9280 False Sense of Security
9281 전차
9283 보드 게임 "트리"
9292 Robot In A Room
9293 모험을 떠나자
9308 Public Transit
9314 Property Lines
9315 Lifeboat Balancing
9321 Dreaded Alternating Game
9338 Chemicals Monitoring
9340 Network Planning
9346 영화관
9348 Magic Graphs
9350 Do Not Disturb!
9352 Fundraised
9353 You Shall Not Pass!!
9354 It Is Cold
9355 Passwords
9360 윔블던
9362 Cipher
9378 Painting
9380 Blast the Enemy!
9381 deltree
9382 Solar Eclipse
9383 Hurry Plotter
9384 ACM Coalition
9385 Fruit Weights
9386 Royal Gems
9390 Seven Segment Counter
9391 Bus Shuttle
9392 Conditional Statements
9394 World Cup Nominations
9395 Killbots
9396 Indisputable Right
9397 The Mayo Empire
9401 Diamonds
9402 The Avaricious ISP
9403 Border Conflict
9404 Goguryeo and the Crown Prince
9405 Array Game
9406 Tracking Robots
9407 ACM Revenge
9427 Drop Zone
9428 Effective Infection Time
9429 Outpost Navigation
9430 Multikill
9431 Virology
9432 Worst Case Scenario
9435 Welcome Party
9438 Probability Paradox
9439 Letter Cubes
9445 Correcting Curiosity
9448 Flight Boarding Optimization
9450 Heavy Chain Clusterization
9451 Intellectual Property
9454 Lonely Mountain
9467 문자열 경로
9476 Contraband
9478 Nested 팰린드롬
9480 Electric Car Rally
9481 Skyscrapers
9485 It Takes a Village
9487 Cut the Cake
9499 보물 상자
9500 아름다운 직사각형
9504 Delta Quadrant
9509 Interstellar Trade
9510 Janeway’s Journey
9511 Klingon Warfare
9514 카드 게임
9515 지우기 게임
9516 아름다운 홀수 배열
9531 Go up the Ultras
9532 Hide and seek
9551 바꾸기 놀이
9554 섬 연결하기
9560 Dice on a Board
9561 Error
9562 Fence
9563 Go
9564 Homework
9565 Identify the Number
9566 Joy of the Cylinder Game
9593 Joe is learning to speak
9595 VivoParc
9602 Clock Hands
9603 Dragon’s Cruller
9607 Hidden Tree
9608 C(O|W|A*RD*|S)* CROSSWORD Puzzle
9615 Teaching Hazard
9617 SSD
9618 Airport Sort
9619 박스
9621 팰린드롬 여행
9624 Safari Park
9632 Swyper Keyboard
9634 Cup of Cowards
9637 The Stones Game
9638 Super Ants
9640 Modified LCS
9641 Mario Kart
9643 Absurdistan Roads
9650 Highway of the Future
9651 Infix to Prefix
9671 SMS Poll
9672 Traitor
9673 Intelligent Traffic Surveillance
9674 BitTorrent
9675 2D-Solar System
9676 Bowling Ball
9677 LED에 전원 같은 걸 끼얹기
9678 Mixed Flight Plans
9679 Sweeping Robot
9680 Wedding Hall
9681 Suitcases
9687 Speed Cameras
9688 Marbles
9689 The Hero
9690 Genetic Engineering
9692 Blankets
9695 Filter And Perform
9704 Longest Balanced Sub-Sequence
9707 Supercap Travels
9709 Lights
9712 Prefix Free Subsets
9714 Spiral
9716 Table
9720 Sorting
9722 Qurban 2011
9729 XOR
9730 Sequence Merging
9737 Area Between Outer Hull and Inner Hull
9738 Sharkovski’s Ordering
9739 M M Detour
9740 More Fun in Bicol
9741 Interior Lattice Points
9743 방정식 부수기
9800 Patience
9806 The King
9814 Coding of Permutations
9818 Quantity of White Mice
9820 Placement of Keys
9821 Selecting the Optimal Teaching Fiends
9823 Trucking Diesel
9824 Ferries
9827 Forensic
9828 Walking
9831 Tour
9832 TUTOR
9833 Sequence
9836 Sailing
9837 Weather
9839 Invest
9841 Cipher
9846 Rank
9851 Hole
9852 Jawbreak
9853 Street
9854 Battleships
9856 Playing Fair with Cryptography
9857 Rent-A-Pixel
9858 Stampede!
9860 Tree Lighting
9861 The Urge to Merge
9862 Xenospeak
9864 Rocky
9865 Undercut
9888 Fludtown
9889 Heng
9892 Width
9894 Pair
9895 Word
9939 Bowling Score Assistant
9943 Light Switches
9957 Word Crosses
9959 Dominosa
9961 Stamps
9962 Assimilation
9974 Door Man
9975 The Umbrella Problem: 2054
9978 World’s Worst Bus Schedule
9980 Manifest Destiny
9984 Get Out 'Da Way!
9986 Asteroids!
9995 HM과 TM
10009 Loteria 2
10011 Zadanie Eulera
10013 Graf planarny
10016 Świetliki
10017 Tester wioseł
10030 Fair Photography
10059 Skiing
10061 Wire Crossing
10077 Orchard
10078 Sightseeing
10079 CATS
10080 Obelisk
10084 Mascot Song
10085 Tickets
10086 Andres Iniesta
10088 XOR
10091 Cyclic Marathon
10092 Decreasing Sequences of Points
10108 Lazy Fox
10111 Werewolf
10113 Early Exam Evacuation
10114 Gates
10140 Bohater
10141 Pakowanie
10143 Parking
10144 Ciągi
10145 Fiolki
10147 Plemiona
10148 Bazarek
10149 Budowa
10150 Gra w podwajanie
10151 Królestwo
10152 Matryca
10153 Wykładzina
10154 Zadanie
10155 Żarówki
10195 Underwater Trip
10199 Shark Tour
10201 The Minions Build a Brick Wall
10206 Odysseus and the Sirens
10208 Milo of Croton and the Calf
10240 Banjo
10241 Cheats
10278 Laser Cutting
10283 Floor Painting
10285 Pawns
10288 Talent Selection
10289 Train Station Tunnel
10309 Kolonie
10310 Most
10313 Direct Visibility
10314 Karel the Robot
10315 More or Less Accurate
10316 Self-Intersecting Path
10317 Lengthy Traveling Salesman
10318 Picture Validator
10322 Dropping Directions
10326 Highway Hassle
10340 L∞ Jumps
10341 (More) Multiplication
10344 The Leprechaun Hunt
10345 Word Cloud
10348 Shrine Maintenance
10349 Wet Tiles
10351 Circle of digits
10352 UFO
10354 Points
10358 Multi-Machine Scheduling of Two Applications
10359 Strange Antennas
10361 Sequence
10363 Circle and Marble
10365 Pantun Grader
10366 Hari Merdeka
10367 Túnel de Rata
10368 Best Position
10369 Spokes Wheel
10370 Ball
10374 Combinator Expression
10376 Expression
10385 This Too Shall Pass
10387 A Cure for the Common Code
10388 Domiyahtzee!
10389 Generalized Roman Numerals
10390 Inspectors
10391 Path of Least Persistence
10392 Speed Skills
10393 Time Warp
10394 Watch, Man!
10400 Fence the vegetables
10404 Journey through the kingdom
10405 Knights of the Round Table
10433 부동소수점 형식 변환
10444 Anagram Pyramids
10445 Groundwater Reserves
10455 Torus
10458 How Does Your Garden Grow?
10461 Time Travel
10463 Repel
10467 Line Sweep
10508 Virus synthesis
10514 A Walk Together
10516 Check Amount Validation
10535 Playing with Geometry
10536 Money Transfers
10549 ŠUMA
10558 Alchemy
10559 Containment
10560 Function
10572 Gold Leaf
10574 Ranked Choice
10575 Top 25
10576 Wrench
10592 Damage Assessment
10595 Hidden Maze
10601 Ideal Scoreboard
10602 Elevators
10603 Antennas
10606 Toll
10607 Robot Race
10608 Bus
10609 Line Fiting
10614 SABOR
10616 Bulletproof Car Testing
10617 Magnetos
10618 Ambiguous Encodings
10619 The One Dollar Gambler
10620 Urdu orthography verification
10621 Web Service Dependencies
10622 A Population of Rabbits
10625 Decoding Ancient Messages
10628 Polygon Guards
10631 Tokyo Olympics Center
10634 Integer in Integer
10635 Iyasugigappa
10636 Medical Inspection
10639 Revenge of Minimum Cost Flow
10642 Tree Reconstruction
10660 Texas hold 'em
10665 Ancient Commemorative Monolith
10683 Putter
10684 Shipura
10686 Venn Diagram
10687 Overwriting Game
10688 Magical Switches
10690 Compo
10691 Fegla
10692 Hamzawy
10693 Abdelrahman
10694 Fouad
10697 Nicole
10706 WTF
10732 소방차게임
10743 POLICE
10778 Bowling
10781 File Paths
10783 Tug of War
10795 Window
10876 사전 조사
10918 Zu
10944 랜덤 게임~~
11011 Forged Answers
11013 The Missing Permutation
11027 교환
11036 ĐẾM
11042 Deadlock Detection
11043 Bridge Construction Planning
11044 Complex Paper Folding
11045 Development of Small Flying Robots
11072 Football
11073 Folding Code
11074 Painting Floors
11077 Selling Numbers
11079 Diana and the Golden Apples
11081 Rings of Saturn
11083 Resistance Is (Not) Futile!
11099 Virus
11103 Save the computer!
11105 Scorched Earth
11106 Free Willy
11110 Tree of Pain
11114 Paper
11124 Rubiks Cube
11126 Robberies
11127 Robotic Encryption
11128 Guarding the Border
11129 Beehive Epidemic
11130 Mobile Gaming
11132 Ambulance Antics
11136 The Diligent Cryptographer
11138 Soundex
11139 Sheep Frenzy
11141 Treasure Hunt
11146 Proud Penguin
11150 Troublesome Tools
11155 Holey Road
11156 Candy Store
11157 Rotating Penguin Maze
11160 Special Services
11162 Ruben Spawns
11165 Dimensions
11166 Space Travel
11169 Battle Sheep
11173 Fired
11175 Herding Sheep
11178 Krusty’s Burger
11186 Spam Filter
11198 Hogwarts
11200 Forest Highway
11201 FreeCell
11204 Absurdistan Roads II
11206 Tomosynthesis
11207 Pizza Problems
11209 Intercept
11210 Radar
11212 Proteins
11215 Xortris
11220 The Addition Game
11221 Area of Effect
11222 Canyon Mapping
11224 Extensive Or
11225 Primal Partitions
11226 Sand Art
11227 String Stretching
11228 Vending Machine
11229 Rainbow Zamboni
11230 Zig Zag Nametag
11231 Word Ladder
11233 Stained Carpet
11234 Marble Madness
11237 Exam
11241 Hive
11242 Lineage
11246 VeryEasy
11247 Atomic Computer
11248 Bond Tour
11249 Chasing
11250 Design A Tree
11251 Romance of The Three Kingdom
11252 Finding something
11253 Goods Market
11272 Floppy Music
11274 Hero Power
11275 iCar
11276 Just a Quiz
11300 Black Jack
11301 Markleft
11302 Koch
11303 Frogs With Styles
11304 SV Filters
11305 Depacting
11306 Mobile
11314 Do Not Hex My Numbers!
11316 Train of Threes
11325 Batman Begins
11326 Coverity Crossword
11329 Horn-Blowing
11330 Implication
11335 Solitaire
11336 Matrix
11369 Safe Zone
11372 Gimli’s Gullet
11374 The Magic Word
11380 Hole in the Wall
11381 Sequences
11386 괄호 문자열
11389 로봇 심판의 님 게임
11393 접미사 배열의 개수
11396 통로 위의 개미
11411 Equivalence
11412 Tree of Almost Clean Money
11413 Primes
11415 Taxies
11417 Race
11418 Railway Tickets
11420 Word by mouth
11421 Dr Who’s Banquet
11424 Longest Prefix Match
11425 Stripe
11426 Maximal Number of Divisors
11427 Miraculous Drug
11428 Softville
11429 Tree
11433 Currency Conversion
11435 Population Migration
11436 Television Reception
11450 Manhattan Power Failure
11454 Song Titles
11455 Tanks
11456 Chasing the Cheetahs
11457 Falcon Dive
11458 The Fox and the Owl
11460 Jumping Yoshi
11461 Lunch Menu
11463 Plankton Food
11464 Hacking the Screen
11465 Visitors’ Train
11471 Fygon
11480 Aqueduct Construction
11483 Slant Drilling
11484 Rainfall
11485 Physiognomy
11486 Drink Responsibly
11487 Sunlight
11489 Jelly Raid
11490 Call a Cab
11491 Telescope
11492 Milestone Counter
11496 Kernel
11519 Hounded by Indecision
11527 Robots
11532 The Agglomerator
11537 Mosaic
11539 Word Clouds Revisited
11545 Exposing corruption
11550 Just a bit sorted
11554 Ultimate TTT
11556 RADIO
11594 Butterfly Effect
11601 Coverage
11604 Millionaire
11628 Hotels
11630 Map Colouring
11632 Museum
11634 Tour de France
11638 Flipping Cards
11639 Amazing Race
11642 Rubik’s Revenge in ... 2D!? 3D?
11685 Text Processor
11707 Card Game Strategy
11709 Content Delivery
11712 JAG-channel II
11713 Kimagure Cleaner
11716 Runner and Sniper
11763 Being Solarly Systematic
11765 KenKen You Do It?
11770 Trick Shot
11782 TILING
11788 Queue of Soldiers
11789 Jumping Joey
11794 New Angry Bird Weapon
11802 Wedding Selfie
11803 Connect the Cells
11804 Bike Sharing
11806 Messed up Pictures
11818 Symmetry
11820 Watermelons of the Field of Wonder of the Fool's Land
11821 Martian King
11824 Cache
11825 T9
11827 King’s Walk
11828 High Jump
11829 Fans
11831 Hyper-minimum
11832 Energetic turtle
11833 돌 무게 재기
11836 Collider
11837 K-th path
11838 New Year Train
11839 Beautiful row
11844 Mountain Trek Route
11846 Experiments with Gorlum
11847 Riddick's Cube
11849 Special graph
11850 Crazy old lady
11853 Trading
11857 UFO
11859 Marriage questions
11860 Squares
11863 Roads
11864 Game
11865 Rain Again
11914 배낭 문제 준비하기
11925 PAROVI
11927 SAN
11980 Mowing the Field (Platinum)
11981 Lights Out (Platinum)
12052 gBalloon (Small)
12053 gBalloon (Large)
12056 Virtual Rabbit (Small)
12057 Virtual Rabbit (Large)
12062 gGames (Small)
12063 gGames (Large)
12064 gMatrix (Small)
12065 gMatrix (Large)
12066 Travel (Small)
12067 Travel (Large)
12070 gNumbers (Small)
12072 Albocede DNA (Small)
12073 Albocede DNA (Large)
12078 gCampus (Small)
12079 gCampus (Large)
12092 포켓몬 GO 진화
12113 Sirni
12114 Gauss
12127 Crane Truck (Small)
12129 Fairland (Small)
12130 Fairland (Large)
12131 Smoothing Window (Small)
12132 Smoothing Window (Large)
12133 Runaway Quail (Small)
12134 Runaway Quail (Large)
12135 Log Set (Small)
12136 Log Set (Large)
12137 River Flow (Small)
12138 River Flow (Large)
12141 Kiddie Pool (Small)
12142 Kiddie Pool (Large)
12210 Addition (Small)
12211 Addition (Large)
12215 Checkerboard Matrix (Large)
12216 Power Swapper (Small)
12217 Power Swapper (Large)
12224 ARAM (Small)
12226 Magical, Marvelous Tour (Small)
12227 Magical, Marvelous Tour (Large)
12232 Willow (Small)
12238 Don't Break The Nile (Small)
12239 Don't Break The Nile (Large)
12245 Reordering Train Cars (Large)
12246 Enclosure (Small)
12247 Enclosure (Large)
12252 The Bored Traveling Salesman (Small)
12253 The Bored Traveling Salesman (Large)
12291 Graduation Requirements (Small)
12292 Graduation Requirements (Large)
12293 Drummer (Small)
12294 Drummer (Large)
12295 X Marks the Spot (Small)
12296 X Marks the Spot (Large)
12297 Can't Stop (Small)
12298 Can't Stop (Large)
12299 Let Me Tell You a Story (Small)
12301 Cheaters (Small)
12302 Cheaters (Large)
12303 Rural Planning (Small)
12304 Rural Planning (Large)
12305 Are We Lost Yet? (Small)
12306 Are We Lost Yet? (Large)
12307 Observation Wheel (Small)
12308 Observation Wheel (Large)
12309 Ticket Swapping (Small)
12310 Ticket Swapping (Large)
12311 Many Prizes (Small)
12312 Many Prizes (Large)
12313 Erdős–Szekeres (Small)
12314 Erdős–Szekeres (Large)
12315 Multiplayer Pong (Small)
12316 Multiplayer Pong (Large)
12321 The Great Wall (Small)
12322 The Great Wall (Large)
12325 Falling Diamonds (Small)
12326 Falling Diamonds (Large)
12342 Treasure (Small)
12358 Upstairs/Downstairs (Small)
12359 Upstairs/Downstairs (Large)
12360 Xeno-archaeology (Small)
12361 Xeno-archaeology (Large)
12362 Twirling Towards Freedom (Small)
12363 Twirling Towards Freedom (Large)
12364 Shifting Paths (Small)
12368 Havannah (Small)
12369 Havannah (Large)
12370 Quality Food (Small)
12371 Quality Food (Large)
12374 Swinging Wild (Small)
12375 Swinging Wild (Large)
12378 Mountain View (Small)
12379 Mountain View (Large)
12380 Descending in the Dark (Small)
12384 Out of Gas (Small)
12385 Out of Gas (Large)
12386 Box Factory (Small)
12387 Box Factory (Large)
12390 Tide Goes In, Tide Goes Out (Small)
12391 Tide Goes In, Tide Goes Out (Large)
12411 Bejeweled Befuddlement (Small1)
12413 Technology Planning (Small1)
12417 일조량 (Small)
12419 출근 전쟁 (Small)
12421 창문 깨기 (Small)
12422 창문 깨기 (Large)
12431 장터판 (Small)
12432 장터판 (Large)
12439 계산식 복원 (Small)
12440 계산식 복원 (Large)
12443 アンテナ修復 (Small)
12444 アンテナ修復 (Large)
12449 クローゼットルーム (Small)
12452 無限庭園 (Large)
12468 Rains Over Atlantis (Large)
12469 Program within a Program (Small)
12471 Ace in the Hole (Small)
12473 Google Royale (Small)
12474 Google Royale (Large)
12475 Irregular Cakes (Small)
12476 Irregular Cakes (Large)
12479 Perpetual Motion (Small)
12480 Perpetual Motion (Large)
12485 Spinning Blade (Small)
12486 Spinning Blade (Large)
12501 House of Kittens (Small)
12502 House of Kittens (Large)
12545 City Tour (Small)
12546 City Tour (Large)
12549 Travel Plan (Small)
12550 Travel Plan (Large)
12551 Ninjutsu (Small)
12553 The Paths of Yin Yang (Small)
12555 De-RNG-ed (Small)
12556 De-RNG-ed (Large)
12559 Hot Dog Proliferation (Small)
12560 Hot Dog Proliferation (Large)
12563 Elegant Diamond (Small)
12564 Elegant Diamond (Large)
12565 World Cup 2010 (Small)
12566 World Cup 2010 (Large)
12569 Grazing Google Goats (Small)
12570 Grazing Google Goats (Large)
12600 Qualification Round (Large)
12601 Polygraph (Small)
12611 Min Perimeter (Small)
12612 Min Perimeter (Large)
12613 Doubly-sorted Grid (Small)
12614 Doubly-sorted Grid (Large)
12617 Marbles (Small)
12618 Marbles (Large)
12619 Lights (Small)
12620 Lights (Large)
12623 Alphabetomials (Small)
12624 Alphabetomials (Large)
12625 Football Team (Small)
12627 Interesting Ranges (Small)
12631 A Digging Problem (Small)
12632 A Digging Problem (Large)
12635 Watering Plants (Small)
12636 Watering Plants (Large)
12671 Scaled Triangle (Small)
12672 삼각형 변환 (Large)
12673 Painting a Fence (Small)
12674 Painting a Fence (Large)
12675 Rainbow Trees (Small)
12676 Rainbow Trees (Large)
12677 Bus Stops (Small)
12678 Bus Stops (Large)
12689 Apocalypse Soon (Small)
12690 Apocalypse Soon (Large)
12695 How Big Are the Pockets? (Small)
12696 How Big Are the Pockets? (Large)
12753 Maze
12804 Gregory and Bank
12807 Bridge testing
12808 Binary String
12810 Beautiful Partition
12811 Problem Preparation
12814 Hyperways
12819 New Tree
12821 Universities
12824 Connect Highways
12826 Game
12830 Newspapers
12831 An inexperienced slalomer
12832 Tickets
12838 London Underground
12860 나머지 게임
12863 Clash of Snakes
12868 문자열 찾기
12879 카드 세트
12881 Distance
12882 Archaeological Research
12883 Journey
12905 거짓말쟁이
12923 별 모으기
12940 에너지 관리
12943 노래방 2
12948 문자열의 개수
12949 로봇의 이동
12952 숫자 자물쇠
12953 숫자 자물쇠 2
12954 비트 문자열 뒤집기
12957 보행의 개수
12958 단순 사이클의 개수
12962 나무 자르기
12964 점수의 합
12976 돌 옮기기
12984 문자열의 분할
12985 비밀 회선
12992 홍준이의 교집합
12997 철인 2종 경기
12998 꽃 장식하기
13000 홍준이와 가능한 집합
13001 홍준이와 직사각형
13004 비밀 임무
13014 동혁이의 이동
13017 특이한 수
13020 좋은 집합
13026 저녁 식사
13028 민호의 소원
13032 PS 테러리스트
13033 홍준이와 트리2
13037 New Track
13038 Tree
13039 Barbarians
13041 Centipede
13042 Binary Tree
13043 Containers and Reagents
13044 Money Exchange
13045 Elimination Round, Problem F
13048 New Adventure of Marty and Doc
13049 Teams Creation
13050 Maximal Sum
13057 Symmetry
13060 Whiteboard
13061 YATP
13066 Laser Game
13067 Billboard
13069 Beehive
13070 DNA Sequencing
13072 Fence
13078 History-Cleanable DFA
13095 Speedrun
13097 Square in Circles
13101 Color the Map Extreme
13102 Website Tour
13128 특수부대 CH
13197 Router 6
13198 Router 7
13233 Celtic Symmetry
13259 강호의 초대
13284 3D Printing
13286 Warp Drive
13321 디닉은 네제곱입니까?
13336 카르테시안 트리
13338 수도 선정
13341 두 트리
13365 Jumping Worm
13368 Cocktail Shaker Sort
13369 The Escape
13370 Carrot Farm
13373 Rearrange
13375 Organization
13378 Dungeon
13381 Jump
13383 Oil
13384 Pry Sequence Transformation
13385 Square
13387 Water Pump
13388 Who Feels Lucky
13389 RMQ
13390 그래프 클릭
13394 여행
13395 팰린드롬 행렬
13396 카르테시안 트리 2
13425 최대 이분 매칭
13429 동전 교환
13434 영역의 개수
13436 정다각형 선분
13437 슈퍼 나이트
13443 바둑
13446 새로운 가게 이름
13449 Alan Turing
13451 Stephen Cook
13452 Edsger Dijkstra
13454 Robert Floyd
13455 Kurt Gödel
13457 Oracle
13492 Octopus
13493 Sea Dragons
13494 Manta Ray
13495 Dolphins
13520 Taxing Problem
13521 Build a Boat
13523 The Darkness
13526 Gondolas
13527 Rhyming Slang
13529 Jack and the Beanbag
13530 Compensation
13534 생일 파티
13535 괄호 부분 문자열
13577 Vôlei Marciano
13579 Série de Tubos
13581 Batata quente
13582 Containers
13584 Estatística hexa
13585 Fundindo árvores
13586 Go--
13589 Jogos olímpicos
13590 Kit de encolhimento de polígonos
13591 Ladrilhos
13592 Mário
13598 Quebra-cabeça
13599 Espiral
13601 Guardiões Curiosos
13602 Praça do Retângulo
13603 Ominobox
13605 Palíndromo
13606 Loteria
13607 Onde Estão as Bolhas?
13609 Zak Galou
13612 Confederaćão
13613 Dona Minhoca
13615 Teletransporte
13616 Letras
13619 Corte
13620 Pizza do Vô Pepe
13621 Olimpíadas
13624 Balloon
13626 Folding Machine
13631 Patches
13632 Trucks
13633 O Problema da Parada
13634 Países em Guerra
13636 Tobogan de bolinhas
13637 Cartões
13639 Elevador Espacial
13640 Perdido na Noite
13642 Combate ao câncer
13643 Integral
13644 Palavras
13647 Energia × Tempo
13648 MegaDamas
13649 Ácido Ribonucléico Alienígena
13651 Campeonato de SMS
13652 Desvio de rua
13656 Homem, Elefante e Rato
13657 Incidente em Atlântida
13659 Robô Colecionador
13660 Livro-caixa
13661 Desvio de Rota
13663 Fórmula 1
13664 Guerra nas estrelas
13665 Plágio Musical
13669 Ataque Fulminante
13673 Dragster
13674 Torres de Telefonia Celular
13675 Registrador de Deslocamento
13678 Babel
13683 Set
13685 Maior Subseqüência Crescente
13688 Rota Crítica
13689 Amigos ou Inimigos?
13692 Redução de Pena
13694 Gerente de Espaço
13695 Tecle & Some
13696 Regata de Cientistas
13697 Piscina
13721 Zamjene
13726 랜덤 소트 2
13730 좋은 트리의 개수
13736 Around and Around We Go
13745 InTents
13753 Project Panoptes
13759 &
13760 Appropriate Coordinate Map
13761 Banking II
13762 Calculating Taxes
13763 Dropped Water Bottle
13765 Flipping Switches
13767 Hiking
13768 Individually Customised Pop-up Cards
13769 Jumping Impala
13770 Krypton Stadiums
13779 Obfustication
13780 Rasterization
13781 IK Robot
13782 Pokemon
13783 Hashing
13784 What Next
13785 The Resistance
13786 Rtetris
13789 Chinese Classics
13790 Revenge of Champernowne Constant
13791 Full Text Search
13792 Mysterious Maze
13794 Sky Jump
13795 Mobile Network
13796 Blue Forest
13799 Dungeon Quest II
13800 Dice Room
13801 Alice and Bomb
13802 Two-Wheel Buggy
13803 Camera Control
13805 Operator
13806 Merry Christmas
13811 Safe Area
13813 Neko’s Treasure
13815 Crystal Jails
13816 Cave Explorer
13818 Headstrong Student
13819 Dig or Climb
13820 Rotation Estimation
13821 Optimal Rest
13822 Controlled Tournament
13823 Entangled Tree
13824 Ramen Shop
13825 Cousin’s Aunt
13826 Colony Maintenance
13828 Sort the Panels
13829 Disarmament of the Units
13830 So Sleepy
13831 Alice in Foxland
13832 Lying about Your Age
13833 Turn Polygons
13834 Robots’ Crash
13835 Linear Ether Geometry
13836 Ruins
13837 Hyper Rock-Scissors-Paper
13838 Online Quiz System
13839 Rock Man
13842 Traffic
13843 Restriction Enzyme
13844 The Extreme Slalom
13845 Blackjack
13846 Eight Princes
13849 Reading a Chord
13851 Gather on the Clock
13852 Tiling Polygons
13853 Light The Room
13859 Exam
13861 Pokemons
13862 Pub crawl
13864 Marathon
13865 Cutting
13874 Internet Trouble
13882 Tight-Fit Sudoku
13883 Magical Mystery Knight’s Tour
13886 Smoothed Gardens
13888 WSI Extreme
13898 Expected Number of Connected Components
13914 Aerial Archeology
13916 Cable Connection
13917 Rotating Display
13918 Fence
13919 Tree Stands
13920 Orchard Division
13921 It’s Raining, Man
13922 Suspicious Samples
13924 접미사 배열 3
13931 Driving in Optimistan
13934 Gotta Nudge ’Em All
13942 Kvalitetni
13951 Geohash Grid
13966 Risky Lottery
13969 Hacker
13972 Cruise
13973 Acrobat
13979 Contest Strategy
14033 Artskjid
14034 Solar Flight
14036 Timpanist
14045 Combining Riceballs
14047 Stupendous Bowties
14048 Through A Maze Darkly
14050 Field Trip
14051 Splitting Hares
14052 Legends
14053 O Canada
14054 Zombie Apocalypse
14059 Biathlon
14062 Cheap Traveling
14068 Ograda
14070 Roj
14071 Rudar
14072 Vjerojatnost
14078 Piramida
14079 R9K
14080 Sjeckanje
14081 Slika
14082 Tablica
14083 Bitstock
14084 Četverokut
14085 Dvaput
14086 Hyperloop
14087 Lijepi Putevi
14088 Parket
14089 Prosjek
14090 RAM
14091 Šetnja
14092 Jabuka
14093 Lektire
14095 Novčicći
14096 Pečat
14097 Sort
14098 Tunel
14099 Velika Tablica
14100 XOR
14101 Arhimed
14102 Formula
14103 Haker
14104 HNL
14105 Ivo
14106 Mnogokut
14107 Sort
14108 Umnozak
14109 Zvonimir
14110 Agresor
14111 Kreditna
14112 Kvadrati
14115 Permutacije
14116 Restorani
14117 Tartufi
14118 Virus
14119 Anadrom
14120 Banane
14122 Izlet
14123 Struja
14125 삼트리스
14126 Vanzemaljci
14127 Zone
14128 Duzžine
14129 Kugle
14130 Mravi
14132 Šibice
14133 Sličice
14134 Sretan
14137 Ćevapi
14138 Filtar
14139 Izviðači
14140 Lunapark
14141 Majstor
14142 Maxplus
14144 Žabe
14147 Ceste
14148 Čestice
14149 Igra
14150 Prekidač
14151 Riva
14152 RSA
14155 Arhitekt
14159 Kemija
14160 Pekar
14161 Spoj
14163 Torta
14178 Arranging Heaps
14186 Möbius Strip
14191 Rahyab
14196 Sticks and Carrots(Chomagh va Havij)
14197 Son of Durin
14198 Halting Machine
14199 “Oland must not fall”
14200 Circular Board Game
14201 Blocks&Balls
14203 Unlucky 89
14206 선데이 코딩
14208 수열 찾기
14212 Rekonstruiraj
14213 Rima
14214 Osmosmjerka
14228 물탱크
14229 DNA 문자열
14230 평면 게임
14234 업무 처리
14236 명제 증명
14237 숙련도
14239 게임
14242 아름다운 그래프
14253 문자열 배열
14255 멋진 배열
14259 거짓말쟁이 효빈이
14260 열쇠 재배치 2
14270 종전 협상
14273 영선이의 생일
14296 Sorting Array (Small)
14297 Sorting Array (Large)
14312 Soldiers (Small)
14313 Soldiers (Large)
14316 Sherlock and Watson Gym Secrets (Small)
14317 Sherlock and Watson Gym Secrets (Large)
14318 Watson and Intervals (Small)
14319 Watson and Intervals (Large)
14320 Sherlock and Permutation Sorting (Small)
14321 Sherlock and Permutation Sorting (Large)
14328 Clash Royale (Small)
14329 Clash Royale (Large)
14344 Map Reduce (Small)
14345 Map Reduce (Large)
14350 Forest University (Small)
14353 Go++ (Small)
14354 Go++ (Large)
14392 문자열 테이블
14403 스프링클러
14404 동전 시스템
14408 막대로 보는 점괘
14415 Paralelogrami
14416 Klavir
14447 Building a Tall Barn
14514 Ski Resort
14533 Financial Tsunami
14536 Bricks on the Wall
14537 Street Light Pole
14538 Connectivity Potential
14576 현재 스코어 보드는
14617 제3회 IUPC
14692 Vera and Modern Art
14695 Shifty Grid
14757 Dueling Philosophers
14764 Delivering Goods
14766 Bumper-To-Bumper Traffic
14767 Flow Shop
14770 Stack Construction
14773 Tracking Fake News
14774 Creating Fake News
14775 Bot Or Not
14776 Nothing But The Truth
14802 Play the Dragon (Large)
14821 Shoot the Turrets (Small)
14822 Shoot the Turrets (Large)
14823 Googlements (Small)
14827 Mountain Tour (Small)
14829 Slate Modern (Small)
14833 Operation (Small)
14834 Operation (Large)
14835 Spanning Planning (Small)
14838 Stack Management (Small)
14840 Teleporters (Small)
14844 좋은 직사각형
14857 모눈종이와 삼각형
14872 Strings
14873 Tale
14875 City Attractions
14879 수열의 좋음
14887 짝수 부분 문자열
14892 좋은 순열의 개수
14893 바이너리 문자열 토글
14896 만들 수 없는 부분 수열의 합
14900 트리 방문
14901 좋은 경로의 세 쌍
14902 트리 분해
14975 Go around the Labyrinth
14976 Equivalent Deformation
14981 Forest Picture
14987 Treetop Walkway
14993 Flatland Fidget Spinner
14994 Ghostbusters
14998 Knight’s Marathon
15002 Soccer Skills
15034 Hiker Safety
15040 Brincadeira
15041 Cigarras periódicas
15042 Despojados
15043 Escala musical
15046 Hipercampo
15069 Bubbly Troubly
15070 Foosball Dynasty
15072 Lost in Translation
15074 Removal Game
15075 That’s One Hanoi-ed Teacher
15076 Vin Diagrams
15077 Waif Until Dark
15078 Yes, Yes, It’s Nonograms
15090 Keeping On Track
15097 Ring String
15124 Flipping Out
15144 Bake Off
15145 Clever Title
15146 Deck of Cards
15147 Extra Judicial Operation
15148 Front Nine
15149 Greedy Generosity
15150 Hole in One
15152 Jupiter Rock-Paper-Scissors
15154 Lights in the Morning
15156 Balloon Connect-the-Dots
15158 Dangerous Discus
15159 Exciting Startup
15160 Fusion
15162 Haggling With a Witcher
15164 Jousting Tournament
15173 Graphics Design
15185 League Tables
15186 Planes
15187 Trees
15189 Domino Killing
15190 Infinite Trees
15191 Competition Day
15192 School Pairing
15193 Asfalt
15194 Cod
15195 Kaktus
15197 Letovi
15199 Ploča
15200 Presjek
15201 Sretan
15206 GCD-sum
15211 Jumbled password
15212 The Battle for Wesnoth
15215 Ironman
15219 Climbing
15221 Racetrack
15223 Saturn Bees
15227 Global Warming
15229 Restaurant Bribes
15230 Wolf
15231 Lights Out
15255 Single Elimination
15257 Basketball
15273 Open-Pit Mining
15274 Multiplication Game
15275 Polyline Simplification
15278 Decisions, Decisions
15280 Initials
15297 Capsules
15298 Pavers
15300 The Components Game
15301 Social Resistance
15304 Toys
15343 World Cup Draw
15344 Barareh on Fire
15347 Column Addition
15348 Cafe Bazaar
15350 Mars
15356 Retro
15363 Vođe
15365 Ceste
15374 Tataramon
15375 Friday
15376 A Packing Problem
15381 AdoraBalls
15382 Balloon Distribution
15383 Convex Quadrilateral
15385 Expression
15388 Handbags
15392 LoL Tournament
15395 Christmas Tree
15400 Cat and Mouse
15405 Menu Tour
15408 French Dinner
15409 Majestic Gourmet University
15434 Rhombinoes
15435 Enumerating Brackets
15438 Planet Destruction
15441 Vera and Mean Sorting
15442 Vera and Sorting
15445 Vera and Banquet
15446 Vera and Canada Day
15447 Vera and Dogs
15448 Vera and Engineering Buildings
15453 English
15468 Coloring Intervals
15472 The Jet-Black Wings
15473 HH Country
15542 GIGA Universe Cup
15543 Life Line
15544 Map of Ninja House
15546 Viva Confetti
15548 Anagram Pyramids (Hard)
15601 Connect the Dots
15613 The Lawyer
15615 The Prices
15618 Pillars
15619 Global Warming
15620 Hit of the Season
15626 Pick
15627 Svjetlost
15635 IDN Homograph Attack
15706 블록 게임
15795 Gift
15796 Magic
15797 Particles
15798 Six
15799 Camel
15800 Experience
15801 Game
15839 Stroop Effect
15840 Super Ball
15846 Travelling Businessmen Problem
15849 Parks of Jakarta
15859 Citations
15865 Genetics
15871 French Fries
15932 배열과 연산
15934 도시 계획
15935 새로운 언어
16004 헬리콥터
16007 Shootings
16009 Or
16010 Doubletrouble
16013 Home Coming
16014 Parentrises
16016 Zalmoxis
16031 Triangles
16036 Floating-Point Numbers
16037 Equilateral Triangular Fence
16038 Expression Mining
16039 For Programming Excellence
16055 Perpetuum Mobile
16057 Water Testing
16058 Ratatöskr
16060 Word Clock
16077 Монгол ардын үлгэр
16078 Хаалт
16079 Тоглоом
16082 Гоё тоо
16083 Хоёртын хайлтын мод
16087 It’s a Jungle Out There
16088 Finding Your Coach
16089 Pipe Hype
16090 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
16091 Cruise Quail
16092 Willy Feels Guilty
16093 The Total is Right
16094 Lush Gears
16095 Amateur Radio Network
16096 Life on a Torus
16097 Grumpy Groundhogs in Gridland
16098 Commuting Mathematicians
16101 Banner
16110 Kiwis vs Kangaroos II
16111 Last Casino
16146 Blowin’ in the Wind
16147 Racial Discrimination
16149 Peace Sign
16150 Gun Control
16177 Why is Math Book So Sad?
16178 Noodle Team Contest
16203 까다로운 수 찾기
16242 Strah
16248 Parallelepiped
16249 Closing ceremony
16251 Homework
16253 Cipher
16256 Painting the Wall
16257 Magic Artifact
16258 Memory Manager
16259 LISA
16262 Bad Order
16263 Red-Black Tree
16266 Mortal Combat
16268 Tree and Polynomials
16269 Nice Report
16271 New Keyboard
16272 Folding the Figure
16273 Acute Triangles
16274 Joining Arrays
16281 To Play or not to Play
16298 Floating Points
16339 Moving Furniture
16342 Lighting
16343 Locker Room
16344 Numbers Generator
16345 Rullete
16348 Flauta
16351 Luka
16352 Menza
16353 Načitan
16355 Reality
16369 Hills
16370 Passports
16383 Cycle sort
16413 Random Manhattan Distance
16420 Paper Strips
16449 Hipótese Policial
16451 Juntando Capitais
16452 Kepler
16454 Modificando SAT
16482 한 점에서 만나라!
16487 말 타기
16489 삼각형 해커
16517 Tima goes to Xentopia
16535 Game
16536 Computer network
16537 Shopping
16538 Missing Bridges
16540 Khans
16543 Clubs
16545 Crypto
16547 Oblongs and Right Triangles
16548 Unique Substrings
16550 Odd Colouring
16552 Moving Buildings
16553 Hedwig’s Ladder
16554 Tanks and Pipes
16555 What time is it anyway?
16556 Left-Right-Win
16557 The Erdös-Straus Conjecture
16558 Subprime Fibonacci Sequence
16559 Airspace Regulations
16560 Pinemi Puzzles
16589 The Good, the Great, and the Superb
16595 Living Subgraph
16596 Fair Tournament
16597 Moving Around
16599 Banana Republic
16613 Bad Keming
16615 Dropping Blocks
16616 Explosive Wiring
16618 Good Cable Management
16621 Judging Divisionals
16622 Knights and Dragons
16698 Trees Gump
16706 의약품 수송 2
16751 Kocka
16752 Deblo
16753 Maja
16757 Sajam
16759 Praktični
16772 Colored Tiles 1
16773 Colored Tiles 2
16774 Colored Tiles 3
16775 Colored Tiles 4
16776 Colored Tiles 5
16794 Xylophone
16796 Trodden Cable
16799 Optimal alpha beta pruning
16800 Graph Automata Player
16801 Spotlight Movement
16802 Gravity Point
16803 Multi Path Story
16814 Black Company
16818 Janken Master
16819 Route Calculator
16820 Endless BFS
16822 Tiny Room
16823 Librarian's Work
16824 Sum Source Detection
16829 Prefix Suffix Search
16830 Magic Triangles
16832 Additions
16836 Rough Sorting
16848 Fairness
16851 Family Portrait
16852 Junior
16869 Pizza Cutting
16873 Sequential Yahtzee
16949 연속 반복 문자열
17012 Rule of Three
17045 Slagalica
17058 Reservoir
17059 Terraced fields
17060 Message
17107 Thinking Language
17108 파이의 왕 김파이
17110 Africa 2
17112 인코딩
17115 Kudeki Chain
17119 오색 정리
17120 이모지
17121 골드바흐 삼각형
17278 이진 문자열
17323 Intelligent Car Racing
17325 Road Construction
17326 NOI Carnival
17330 Transformed Sequence
17332 Plants vs. Zombies
17334 Masquerade Party
17335 Course Design
17339 Social Network
17344 Millennium Worm
17467 N! mod P (2)
17468 N! mod P (3)
17531 Crossings With Danger
17551 Jumbled Journey
17556 Crosswords
17563 Mona Lisa
17569 Evenly Divided
17571 Garden Variety Vampire
17573 Internet Upload
17602 Explosion
17604 Gifted Bafuko
17628 Hanging Rack
17629 T - Covering
17630 Tower
17632 Colouring a rectangle
17648 Majorant
17649 Triangle
17651 Artillery
17652 Domino
17653 Ruler
17654 Resistance
17655 Activity
17657 Seats
17658 Chess
17660 First-Name Basis
17662 GPA
17663 Department Receptions
17664 Jump!
17688 Security Gate
17761 Rozstaw szyn
17764 Eksplozja komórkowa
17767 Siłownia
17809 Beer Coasters
17810 Beer Flood System
17811 Beer Can Game
17813 Beer Mugs
17814 Screamers in the Storm
17815 Sixpack
17846 Chopping on Line
17855 Follow the Bouncing Ball
17864 Remdoku
17865 Pass the Buck
17867 Circle Garden
17868 Origami Fold
17870 Problematic Public Keys
17872 How Many Unicycles in a Wheel?
17873 Regional Team Names
17885 Bus Planning
17886 Cars
17887 Color Codes
17890 Mathemagicians
17892 Tree Hugging
17898 Ski Lifts
17899 Symmetric Polynomials
17900 Type Charts
17902 Backpack Buddies
17904 Dice and Ladders
17905 Expecting Rain
17907 Gameworld Tornado
17908 Hidden Words
17914 Typo Squatting
17915 Candy Packaging
17916 Streaming Services
17918 Mutexes
17922 Dry Ice Cream
17923 Ice Cream
17926 Mixing Drinks
17928 Train Tickets
17929 Assistant Ranking
17980 Alehouse
17982 Climbing Stairs
17983 Drive Safely
17985 Fence Bowling
17988 Ice Cream
18011 Exhibition
18013 Hard Sculptural Project
18016 더 어려운 계단 수
18052 Ghost
18057 Dungeon Crawler
18059 Final Standings
18061 Historical Maths
18065 Long-Exposure Photography
18099 Драфт НБА
18103 ICPC
18104 Составление задач
18181 Screamers in the Storm
18327 Holding
18328 Klasika
18329 Nivelle
18336 Gift Puzzle
18351 새로운 시작
18385 LJUST
18386 BNKQ
18390 COPSCH
18392 SHOP
18393 TRIP
18394 DUP
18395 CHROM
18396 BNKQ
18397 LTBL
18399 SENTI
18486 Ten Ranges
18520 Battle Royale
18537 Associativity Degree
18538 Medium Hadron Collider
18569 Alien Invasion
18584 Deliveries
18585 XOR Pairing
18652 Fibonacci Strikes Back
18657 Routes
18669 Yet Another Mex Problem
18670 Christmas Tree
18671 The Lion King
18672 Cultivating Mars
18675 Uberfication
18676 DNA Evolution
18677 Bingo!
18681 Valar Morghulis
18682 Rains
18683 Man in the middle
18684 Lumbo Jumbo
18685 Scrambled Digits
18686 Andorra
18687 Gotta Catch 'Em All
18688 Military Service
18689 Baklawa
18690 Football Hooliganism
18691 Pokemon Buddy
18692 Shika Bika
18693 Count the Graphs
18695 FIFA World Cup
18696 Crazy LCP
18697 This Means War
18700 Stock Exchange
18701 Winter is Here
18723 The Halfwitters
18750 Ineq
18751 Joy
18761 Interesting Game
18812 Cartography
18814 Entering Rectangles
18815 Fabulous Photos
18816 Grid City
18819 Jumping Junipers
18820 Karaoke Meetup
18822 Beginning the Hunt
18823 Nonogram QR
18824 4차 산업 혁명
18826 A+B (MC)
18828 배중률교
18849 Legendary Dango Maker 1
18850 Legendary Dango Maker 2
18851 Legendary Dango Maker 3
18852 Legendary Dango Maker 4
18853 Legendary Dango Maker 5
18854 Legendary Dango Maker 6
18896 Identifier Sequence
18931 Gomoku
18948 Tree Average Weight
18950 Hamming
18951 Knapsack
18953 Continue the Sequence
18954 Partition into Teams
18957 Classic Quotation
18958 Counting Divisors
18961 Logical Chain
18965 Security Check
18966 Alice and Bob (and string): Double Menace
18973 Halve & Merge
18978 Balanced Sequence
18980 Distinct Values
18981 Maximum Weighted Matching
18982 Period Sequence
18984 RMQ Similar Sequence
18985 Lyndon Substring
18986 Turn Off The Light
18991 Machine Learning
18992 Mosaic
18995 Postcards
18996 Addition
18997 Coaches
19004 Rikka with Lines
19005 Rikka with Bridges
19006 Rikka with Mutex
19007 Rikka with Mirror
19008 Rikka with String
19009 Equal Digits
19011 Unseen Segments
19013 Binary String
19014 Fair Competition
19015 Token and Dice
19016 Convex Region
19017 Automorphism
19027 Knight
19030 Bingo
19031 Communication Between Robots
19032 Doublindromes
19033 Exact Arithmetic
19034 Form the Maximal Set
19035 Game With Triangles
19036 Hokusai Artworks
19037 Internet Contents Providing Company
19038 Japanese Food
19039 Knights
19040 Labeled Points
19042 Yuno And Claris
19047 Inheritance
19048 Movies
19050 Qnp
19051 Salaj
19057 Christmas Garland
19061 Polygon Rotation
19062 Mikhail's Problem
19063 Rat-O-Matic
19064 Readability
19067 Binary Strings
19068 Sequence
19070 Criminals
19072 Match
19073 Subsequence Sums
19074 Nice Numbers
19075 K-matching
19080 Don't Stay
19082 From The Inside
19083 Numb
19084 One Step Closer
19094 Seats
19095 Ants
19097 Primes
19099 Scheduling
19104 Brother and Sister
19108 Monkeys
19110 Schedule
19112 Master Zhu and Magic Numbers
19113 Master Zhu and Chessboard
19115 Master Zhu and Rikka
19116 Master Zhu and Palindromes
19120 Master Zhu and Binary Trees
19122 Master Zhu and Math Problem
19123 Master Zhu and the Leaper
19125 Bipartite Graph Coloring
19126 Random Points
19127 Control Point
19129 Independent Set
19130 Long Binary Sequence
19136 Balls and Holes
19139 Saddle Point
19140 Or Max
19141 Subspace
19142 Intervals
19143 Power of XOR
19144 Aho
19146 Conway
19147 Dirichlet
19148 Euclid
19149 Fulkerson
19151 Harary
19152 Ito
19153 Jordan
19158 Find String in a Grid
19167 Azrael
19168 Brainy
19171 Euclid
19172 Flowers
19173 Garden
19174 Hamilton
19176 Joke
19181 Message
19182 Arithmetic Sequences
19183 Subsequence
19184 Algebra is Awesome
19185 Bus Lines
19186 Coal Mine
19187 Chocolate is Tasty
19188 Game
19189 Tic-tac-toe
19190 Bermutation
19192 Heap
19193 Lines
19194 Yet Another Problem About Permutations
19196 Shortest Accepted Word
19198 Ambitious Plan
19199 Borderless Words
19201 Decomposable Single Word Languages
19202 Elegant Square
19204 Greater Number Wins
19205 Higher Math Lesson
19206 Isomorphism
19207 Jinxiety of a Polyomino
19208 Aarelia Mountains
19209 Bar "Duck"
19210 Collections In Containers
19211 1D Spreadsheet
19214 Guess The String
19215 Hilbert's Maze
19216 Infinite Binary Embedding
19252 Masterpiece
19254 Bobby Tables
19255 Triples
19256 Related Languages
19257 Airport Check-in
19258 Beyond the Rescue
19259 Casino Cheating
19266 Journey
19268 Lazy Student
19286 Piecewise Linearity
19289 Stairways
19294 Dynamic Input Tool
19300 Game of Sorting
19304 Believer
19305 Chalk Outline
19311 I've Got Friends
19314 Swap
19315 Conic Section
19316 Connected Subgraph
19317 Hanoi
19318 Binary String
19319 Pattern Matching
19320 Interval Tree
19322 Median
19323 Dogs
19325 Expected Shopping
19338 Flip a Coin
19341 Very New York
19342 Sheep
19344 Statistics
19349 Dominoes
19350 Endgame
19351 Evacuation
19353 Grasshoppers
19354 Education Nightmare
19357 A Text Problem
19359 Even Three is Odd
19360 Walk of Length 6
19361 City United
19362 Coins 2
19364 Multi-stage Marathon
19365 Matrix Recurrence
19369 Welcome to ICPCCamp 2017
19373 Bit Operations
19374 Randomized Binary Search Tree
19375 Election
19377 K-th String
19380 Wrapping
19382 Bicycle Race
19383 Those Russian Hackers
19384 Circular Shift
19385 Frogs
19386 HDRF
19387 Counting Orders
19388 UFO Rectangles
19389 Test For An Intern
19391 2084
19392 Random Numbers
19393 Defense Tower
19394 Eulerian Orientation
19395 Tube Master II
19396 Palindrome
19397 Median on Binary Tree
19398 Card Shuffling
19399 Independent Events
19400 Territory Game
19412 Hacker Cups and Balls
19413 Bored Dreamoon
19414 Crazy Dreamoon
19415 Forest Game
19416 Lines Game
19417 Lonely Dreamoon 2
19418 Dreamoon and NightMarket
19420 Tree Game
19421 Zero Game
19422 Almost Bobo Number
19423 Connected Spanning Subgraph
19426 Maximum Flow
19428 Cute Panda
19430 Prime Tree
19431 Hamiltonian kkk-vertex-connected Graph
19441 Join The Future
19443 La Vie En Rose
19444 Memento Mori
19452 Hovercraft
19460 Guess the Distribution
19461 Hash Table
19466 Colored Graphs
19475 Dreissig
19476 Mond
19477 Oha
19479 Rumpf
19480 Strasse
19481 Tabelle
19482 Unrumpf
19484 Weltall
19493 Gym
19498 Eastern Subregional
19501 XOR Tree
19502 Fence
19503 Friends and Berries - 2
19505 Process with Constant Sum
19507 Best Division
19511 Flight
19512 Generator
19513 Honey Tour
19516 K-value
19519 Circles
19520 Point Pairs
19521 House Moving
19522 Nice Set of Points
19523 Eel and Grid
19524 Right Angle Painting
19526 Cups and Beans
19527 Edge Coloring
19624 Human Error
19625 Sirtet
19626 Winter Driving
19627 Card Scoring
19628 Marshmallow Molecules
19630 Geese vs. Hawks
19632 Fun Palace
19653 Robot
19655 Jump
19656 Landlords
19659 Discharging
19660 Progression
19662 Aesthetic
19664 Visiting Singapore
19665 Solar Storm
19667 Fuel Station
19668 Relay Marathon
19678 Internet problem
19680 Roads
19688 Square or Rectangle?
19690 Journey
19692 City Mapping
19705 Roadside Advertisements
19706 Hotspot
19708 I want to be the very best too!
19710 Fabric
19711 Rock Climbing
19712 Panda Ski
19713 UnluckyFloors
19720 Jet Trains
19721 Cutting pizza
19723 Metro 2345
19730 Sightseeing Tour
19731 How to Fail at Programming Contest
19732 Berland Railroads
19734 Race of robots
19736 Secret Code
19738 Amalthea's new walk
19739 Formula 42
19742 Interesting excursion
19746 Drawing
19748 Schedule
19752 Большой круглый стол
19753 Помеха справа
19754 Древнее заклинание
19756 стандартный ввод
19757 Парадокс с дробями
19758 Головоломка
19761 Трудности переписки
19762 Таня, мячи и <<исключающее или>>
19763 Атомы
19764 День рождения
19770 Эстафета
19772 Звезды на погонах
19773 Пробки
19776 Завоевание
19781 Регистрация на олимпиаду
19782 Безопасный путь
19783 Преобразование последовательности
19784 Крестики-нолики
19785 Банк
19792 Палиндромные числа
19793 Необычный экспонат
19794 Супрематизм
19795 Рекламное объявление
19800 Инициализация массива
19801 Обработка строки
19803 Племя тив
19807 Fermat's Last Theorem
19809 Hide-and-Seek for Robots
19811 Too Many Hyphens
19814 Factory
19815 RotationAlmostSort
19816 Time Travel
19819 New Year Presents
19821 Horseback Riding
19822 How to Learn You Score
19823 Combostone
19824 Linearization
19826 Two Prefixes
19831 Open cup
19834 School Olympiad
19835 Pandemic 2
19839 Entertainment with Javelins
19858 Золотые слитки
19859 Автобус
19860 Горные лыжи
19861 IQ тест для роботов
19863 Расшифровка ДНК
19864 Преобразование таблицы
19865 Архивы джедаев
19866 Музей
19867 Обычный мальчик
19868 Полиглоты-интроверты
19869 <<Исключающее или>> наносит ответный удар
19871 Превышение скорости
19873 Олимпиада для роботов
19876 Банкомат
19877 Плакаты
19881 Пизанская башня
19882 Печать
19883 Квадродерево
19884 Шпаги
19885 Светофор
19886 Гири
19888 Верёвочный парк
19889 Школьная демократия
19890 Полет мечты
19891 Занимательное дежурство
19892 Рукопожатия
19893 Фишки
19894 Отчет об ошибках
19896 Простая последовательность цифр
19897 Робот
19900 Автоматизация склада
19901 Машинное обучение
19905 Разбиение на пары
19912 Робогольф
19913 Поиск идеи
19932 Painting Squares
19957 Шахматная головоломка
19958 Шоколад
19959 No
19962 Робот
19964 Подстрока
19965 Вода
19970 Куб
19972 Москва 2042
19973 Морской бой
19974 Станция <<Сортировочная>>
19976 Профессор Хаос
19978 Вещественные числа
19980 Гипотеза об обобщенном коне
19983 Уборка снега
19984 Черепахи в пруду
19985 Починка забора
19986 Прогулка по зоопарку
19987 Олег и двоичные последовательности
19988 Город Че
19990 Покраска забора
19992 Вращающаяся пластина
19994 Защищенное соединение
19995 Перетягивание каната
19996 Загранпаспорт
19999 일하는 구구
20013 Экзамен
20014 Лесопосадки
20015 Академия Джедаев
20016 Спасти котенка
20018 Странный город
20020 Швабра
20021 Вампирские числа
20068 Nowruz 2
20069 Nowruz 3
20070 Nowruz 4
20071 Nowruz 5
20072 Nowruz 6
20073 Nowruz 7
20074 Nowruz 8
20075 Nowruz 9
20076 Nowruz 10
20138 Vista 1
20139 Vista 2
20140 Vista 3
20142 Vista 5
20143 Vista 6
20144 Vista 7
20145 Vista 8
20146 Vista 9
20147 Vista 10
20185 814 - 3
20204 Svjetlo
20227 Icpcan Alphabet
20228 Keima
20229 Evacuation Site
20230 Avoiding Three Cs
20231 Idealistic Canister
20248 Circles
20250 Eric’s Work
20251 Homework
20260 A Color Game
20266 Number with Bachelors
20272 Tournament turn-around
20273 You’ve goat me stumped
20274 256 shades of Gray
20275 Battlecheap
20278 Concatenando Times
20279 Dança da Divisibilidade
20280 Empresa de Festas
20284 Interatividade
20285 Juntando Dados
20290 Ônibus Venusiano
20316 ASCII Art
20317 Brzi Biljar
20318 Carska Civilizacija
20319 Drugi Dio
20321 Fenomenalni Fenjer
20323 Hvalevrijedan Hitac
20342 Fountain
20343 Triangulation
20344 Exam
20345 XOR Sort
20347 Dots and Boxes
20351 Brinkmanship
20372 Late Party
20373 Flood
20375 Paris Sightseeing for Groups
20383 The Programmer's Hex
20394 Sail Shreds - 1
20396 Sail Shreds - 3
20397 Sail Shreds - 4
20398 Sail Shreds - 5
20399 Sail Shreds - 6
20400 Sail Shreds - 7
20401 Sail Shreds - 8
20402 Sail Shreds - 9
20403 Sail Shreds - 10
20405 Meandian
20409 Central Element
20430 Лифт
20431 Мониторинг труб
20433 Старая книга
20435 Обработка больших данных
20446 Добыча радия
20453 Сложение без переносов
20454 Кампус
20456 Размещение данных
20457 Полезные ископаемые
20461 Повышение квалификации
20462 Программирование квадрокоптеров
20463 Иллюзия сортировки
20464 Тигры
20465 Путешествие в Метрополис
20466 Накопитель
20467 Серверы на Меркурии
20468 Антивещество
20469 Траектория обучения
20471 Защита беженцев
20472 Телефонный номер
20474 Парад
20476 Занос
20477 Чай
20478 Командная олимпиада
20479 Поезда
20480 Королевская династия
20481 Арифметическая прогрессия
20482 Бендер
20483 Различные числа
20484 Игра
20485 Огромная парковка
20486 День рождения
20487 Гонка со временем
20488 Скоростной диаметр для кольцевой дороги
20489 Откат
20490 Рыцарский щит
20491 Змея в метро
20514 Странные строки
20515 Поездка на каникулах
20517 Счет в гипершашках
20519 Гармоничная последовательность
20523 Обитаемые горы
20525 Расшифровка ДНК
20527 Тренажёр <<10210_2102​-пальцевый набор>>
20566 Serious Business
20570 Permutations on the Road: Alice
20576 Neural Networks
20577 Raid
20578 Broken line
20579 Territories
20580 Tea
20582 Family photo
20585 Goldfish and pikes
20586 Tokens
20587 Even rain
20588 Floyd-Warshall
20589 Abstract Circular Cover
20590 Biggest Set Ever
20591 Convex Sets On Graph
20593 Easy One
20594 Football
20595 Game On Board
20598 Justice For Everyone
20599 Keep It Cool
20600 Lower Algorithmics
20601 Total Eclipse
20604 Diamond Rush
20605 New Equipments
20606 The Missing Pet
20607 In Search of Gold
20609 It's All Squares
20610 Walking Plan
20611 King of Hot Pot
20612 String Distance
20613 Permutation
20615 Distinct Number
20616 Fibonacci Partition
20617 Longest Common Subsequence
20618 Necklace
20619 Paper-cutting
20622 Ternary String Counting
20623 Anti-hash Test
20624 Tokens on the Tree
20625 A + B Problem
20628 Parity Sort
20632 Route Calculator Returns
20633 N-by-M grid calculation
20634 Zombie Land
20636 Bombing
20637 The Spellbook
20646 Square Pasture
20656 지구 종말
20676 Necklace Construction
20678 Hezardastan
20679 JJ Rally
20683 McFly
20684 The Last Supper
20685 Stabbing Number
20693 Writing Tasks
20694 Red Black Ball
20697 Robust Defense
20700 Brain-teaser
20706 Hit the Hay
20707 Interactive Knockout
20708 Jumping Cat
20712 New Flat
20714 Colored Squares
20716 Jumping Jack
20717 Modular Reverse Engineering
20718 Paris Escape
20719 Partitions
20720 Premier League
20722 Spaceman Spoof's Functions
20723 SSB Tournament
20724 Temple Maze
20725 Three Machines
20726 Well, That's Just Grate
20727 AI Jeopardy
20728 Bling
20729 Friendly Fire
20730 Gaggle
20731 Pitch Performance
20734 Winning the Vote
20739 Finn the Giant
20740 Flygskam
20741 Subway Map
20742 Arriving on Time
20744 Cucumber Conundrum
20745 Distributing Seats
20746 Entering the Time
20747 Fishing Contest
20748 Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
20749 Hide and Seek
20752 The one who works is the one who eats... nothing
20753 Bombs
20754 Fix the heap 8-bit
20755 Fix the heap 32-bit
20758 Wooden pipeline
20759 Cape and gun
20760 Ostap and chairs
20763 Closing the Borders
20764 Bonbons
20765 Witch Dance
20767 Antiwaist
20768 Find the radio operator
20769 Morse code
20770 Loggers Inc.
20771 Caching approximations
20773 Text editor
20774 Crushing blow
20776 Action Recognition Problem
20778 Combine The Gears
20779 Desk in Heartstone
20783 Hotels
20785 Julius Caesar and Kazusa
20786 Key Management
20787 Light Version Of Famous Task
20788 Arrange and Count!
20789 Build More 2020's!
20790 Choose Two Subsequences
20791 Determinant Strikes Back
20792 Efficient Data Structure
20793 Fibonnacci Suffix Array
20794 Greatest Square
20795 Hamming Distance
20796 Integers and Ranges
20797 Jailing
20798 Rikka with Game
20799 Rikka with Maximum Subsegment Sum
20800 Rikka with Random Tree
20801 Rikka with New Year's Party
20802 Rikka with Subsequence
20803 Rikka with Lake
20804 Rikka with Game Theory
20805 Rikka with Storehouse
20806 Rikka with RCPC
20807 Rikka with Book
20808 Rikka with Composite Number
20809 Rikka with Generals
20810 Rikka with Employees
20814 Planet X
20815 Planetbacke
20816 Cykeltävlingen
20819 TV-tittande
20820 Rullband
20821 Pariserhjulet
20822 Bonsai
20823 Glasspelet
20824 Björnes Magasin
20825 Stjärnbilder
20826 Gruppindelning
20827 Cellidentifikation
20828 Fåglar i träd
20829 Snurriga stolpar
20830 Fladdermusen
20831 Låssmeden
20832 Lösenordsnoja
20834 Studschiffret
20836 Multationer
20838 Avslutningsceremonin
20843 Brevoptimering
20844 Matbeställning
20845 Husbygge
20847 Födelsedagsmemorisering
20848 Jätten
20849 Kodkraft
20850 Månresor
20851 Skogsbrand
20853 Efterlyst
20854 Poplåtar
20855 Trädreklam
20859 Brickor
20860 DuTub
20862 Femkortspelet
20863 Lisp till C
20864 Frukostbuffé
20865 Byäldsten
20866 Tornbygge
20872 Cirkelskivevärlden
20873 Företagsrykte
20874 Guitar Hero
20875 Kryssring
20876 Rymdpromenad
20881 Datorköp
20882 Röksignaler
20883 IOI-uttagning
20884 Skidor
20885 Snökaos
20886 Snöbollskrig 2
20887 Snömur
20888 Kubiska boxar
20889 Bitryssland
20890 Bastubad
20891 Snömurskontrollant
20893 Snöbollskrig 1
20895 Hemkör
20896 Pekgälsvalsen
20897 PO-arkivering
20898 Labyrintkonstruktion
20899 Primärfaktor
20900 Nangijala
20905 Exhausting Errands
20961 Magenta
20989 Drawing Circles
20991 Sky’s the Limit
21011 Instruction Anagram
21012 Project Team
21017 Forming Compounds
21018 Power Link
21019 All Subsequences
21024 Jumping Stones
21026 Shortsighted
21028 Goofy Golf
21031 Grid City
21037 Polygonal Query
21046 Pretty Table