DGIST 학교 랭킹작

디지생이 못 푼 문제를 찾아보자

문제 번호 제목
1144 싼 비용
1180 선인장의 지름
1190 골 세레모니
1266 일어나!
1616 드럼통 메시지
1841 군사 배치
1859 성적
1971 High Spies
2347 거울2
2928 빨랫줄
3121 빨간점, 파란점
3219 novci
3245 거리
3308 Matching
3333 Antenna
3335 Walk
3365 Building a Fence
3419 Racing Car Trail
3427 Beasts
3444 Robotic Sort
3543 Exclusive Access 2
3829 Sliding Block Puzzle
3846 Periodic points
3873 Intersection of Two Prisms
3970 안전 구역
4223 Mummy Madness
5250 최단 경로들
5414 Diamond Dealer
5477 마라톤 훈련 방해하기
5482 Joining Points
5496 Utopia Divided
5871 Balanced Trees
7149 Can of Worms
7613 보이 스카우트
7684 Convex area
7778 Intelligent Design
7964 Fibonacci Sums
8128 Subway
8131 Ploughing
8134 Crystals
8185 Railway
8216 Periodicity
8238 Multidrink
8317 Army Training
8353 Cliquers
8382 Subsets
8472 Vacation
8477 Palindromic Equivalence
8481 Generator
8885 Pirate Chest
8898 스포츠 전문 채널 GSK
9208 링월드
9284 Adriatic
9482 가까운 만유인력
9484 최대삼각형, 최소삼각형
9589 Mixing Colours
9683 Bytehattan
10008 Polarization
10031 Cow Optics
10055 Messenger
10068 구슬이 서말이라도 꿰어야 보배
10097 수열
10130 Rally
10243 Fantastic Problem
10260 Basin City Surveillance
10355 Most Influential Pumpkin
10502 Parades
10503 Mountainous landscape
10641 The J-th Number
10662 Billiard
10721 Revenge of the ants 2
10746 Fencing the Herd
10755 컴퓨터실
10788 Evolution in Parallel
10796 Window Manager
10848 팔렘방의 다리
10860 Ruka
10861 Žarulje
10955 Potemkin cycle
11064 Diameter
11397 피보나미얼
11474 Insider’s Information
11598 Falling Blocks
11667 생산성 향상
11671 Flight Plan Evaluation
11736 Binary vs Decimal
11755 Routing a Marathon Race
11756 Post Office Investigation
11988 縄張り (Territory)
12009 중국 잡동사니 가게의 소 장식품 (Platinum)
12241 Trie Sharding (Large)
12482 Mystery Square (Large)
12666 Mine Layer (Large)
12668 Bridge Builders (Large)
12777 What Really Happened on Mars?
12812 Similar Subways
12898 Selling RNA Strands
12989 LCS Again
13051 Fancy Antiques
13058 Jewel Thief
13142 Jolly Jelly Jiffy
13145 Masonry Bridge
13181 악수
13184 카드
13187 흑백
13188 Kangaroo
13210 직사각형의 개수
13285 Deciphering Characters
13287 Gift Exchange Party
13408 Cover the Polygon with Your Disk
13442 메탈은 인생
13444 보드 색칠하기
13519 트리와 쿼리 10
13572 나이트의 이동 2
13854 트리와 소수
13956 Lost Logic
13999 Kids Designing Kids
14001 Mole Tunnels
14131 Okret
14176 트리와 소수
14181 함수와 쿼리
14202 Minions and the rooms
14422 Soccer
14633 Airport Construction
14644 Visual Python++
14741 Impossible Design
14755 Pseudoknot
14836 Omnicircumnavigation (Small)
14874 Cats
14960 Strongly Matchable
14968 Plahte
15004 Bearly Made It
15021 Fractal Tree
15136 Fygon 2.0
15137 Grand Test
15174 Hilbert’s Hash Browns
15209 Skiing
15210 Counterspells
15261 Donut Drone
15305 경곽 침공
15345 Homotopic Paths
15359 Sažetak
15371 Planinarenje
15455 Push a Box
15507 연산 최적화
15557 Snake Escaping
15608 Juggling Troupe
15842 Koala Game
15844 Land of the Rainbow Gold
15855 Permutation
15946 피아의 아틀리에 ~신비한 생명의 연금술사~
15958 프로도의 100일 준비
15974 공룡 발자국
16012 Elections
16138 수강신청
16141 정수론과 응용: 레시테이션
16191 Utilitarianism
16216 우산
16223 클러스터
16224 Path Equality
16230 우리는 진실을 잊고 살잖아
16232 없던 일처럼
16252 Slalom
16275 Two Trees
16280 Satellites
16320 Firing the Phaser
16511 Pokegene
16530 Jeopardized Election
16586 Linked List
16636 Triangular Clouds
16641 Binary Table
16645 Fraction Challenge
16683 종이 자르기
16701 The Lord of the Kings
16709 Congruence Equation
16729 Cinema
16754 Sunčanje
16779 JOIRIS
16780 Selling RNA Strands
16782 Amusement Park
16790 座席 (Seats)
16833 Enlarge Circles
16842 Directions
16843 Snake
16983 Coin Collecting
16996 Busy Board
17005 Knight of the Tarot Cards
17019 Exercise Route
17046 Akvizna
17156 First of Her Name
17158 Karel the Robot
17170 Increasing Sequence
17191 Valleys
17231 이건 버그야!
17316 Calligrapher
17319 Magic Chessboard
17343 Network Charges
17346 Maintaining a Sequence
17376 룰렛
17378 공의 합집합
17442 삼분 그래프
17457 Hard To Explain
17517 Parklife
17525 Enumeration
17607 수열과 쿼리 31
17617 로봇
17673 Two Transportations
17680 Construction of Highway
17683 Asceticism
17693 Port Facility
17699 Long Mansion
17708 Sandwich
17710 Dungeon 2
17737 Scarecrows
17744 Communication Jamming
17746 Construction Project
17762 Building 2
17854 Cheese, If You Please
17866 Gerrymandering Criterion
17955 Max or Min
17957 Find the Array
17960 3차원 점과 쿼리
17973 Quadrilaterals
18029 Algorithm Teaching
18043 Little Worm
18048 Bookstore
18121 문자열 압축
18167 Functional Analysis
18183 Tiling with T-tetrominoes
18212 Wall Painting
18253 최단경로와 쿼리
18282 Golema Gozba
18283 Herojski Histogram
18297 Pixels
18315 Falling Portals
18355 Sorcerers of the Round Table
18371 Trips
18377 은광
18379 이메이미의 수쿼 노트
18434 Olympic Bus
18462 Easy Win
18463 Farm of Monsters
18470 Counting Cactus
18472 Easy Win
18475 Two Teams
18478 K-pop Strings
18482 Six Words
18483 Seven Nevers
18496 Euclid’s Algorithm
18526 Bomas
18545 The Zong of the Zee
18555 Modulo-magic squares
18570 Bus Stop
18571 Calculating Average
18579 K-Triangles
18605 Coins
18608 Make Rounddog Happy
18610 Yet Another Convolution
18623 Eevee
18629 Kecleon
18631 Somewhere Over the Rainbow
18634 k-coloring
18635 Just Shuffle the Input
18644 Marketing
18663 Steel Ball Run
18666 AtCoder Quality Problem
18720 Bookface
18732 A Permutation Problem
18744 Cat
18772 Delightful (Easy)
18779 Help Yourself (Platinum)
18791 N의 배수 (2)
18800 도로 공사
18802 Bridge Construction
18837 가장 긴 증가하는 부분 수열 K
18842 Chameleon’s Love
18848 Capital City
18864 모든 것이 새롭다
18926 Histogram and Blue Rectangles
18929 Knights of Round Table
18942 고인물의 새로운 리듬게임
18956 Little Q and Big Integers
18969 Different Summands Counting
18989 Product
19012 Road Connectivity
19019 Convolution
19043 Balance
19058 Anna and Lucky Tickets
19069 Rock-Paper-Scissors
19077 A Place For My Head
19081 In The End
19106 Function Counting
19131 Huge Products
19138 GCD vs LCM
19271 Construct Point
19283 Lunch Queue
19306 Do I Wanna Know?
19310 Hamilton
19328 Code-Cola Plants
19329 GCD
19332 Prefix-free Queries
19335 Increasing Costs
19336 Mines
19356 Spoonerisms
19363 Lowest Common Ancestor
19378 Shortest Path Queries
19381 Ascending Tree
19411 Keep Distance
19427 Rectangles Inside Rectangle
19435 Differencia
19458 Expected LCP
19459 Finite Walking
19531 적절한 문자열 문제
19547 애완 트리
19557 Mixture
19561 Viruses
19614 Travelling Salesperson
19634 Boring Lectures
19650 개미여행
19654 Sequence
19693 Safety
19911 Классные парты
19916 Rectangles
20027 LCS 8
20034 Steel Slicing 2
20042 Hotspots
20081 Ancient Books
20174 Ink Mix
20194 경계 로봇
20259 Quality Monitoring
20262 Graph Cards
20298 파인애플 피자
20320 Ekstremna Ekspedicija
20329 Aquarium
20448 Иннофон
20451 Быстрая сортировка
20452 Робомарафон
20511 Specijacija
20558 쿼리와 수열
20695 Token Distance
20715 Island Archipelago
20910 Jeopardised Journey
20948 Go와 함께하는 전화망 서비스
20965 Minimum Cost Paths
20987 Robot
20999 Flat Organization
21088 Remove the Prime
21093 Extreme Wealth
21102 Local Maxima
21224 Geometrija
21298 하이퍼 배열 돌리기
21564 평화롭게 전쟁하기
21594 Surveillance
21640 Hard Work
21795 Worst Reporter 4
21825 Through Another Maze Darkly
21846 Inside information
21848 The short shank; Redemption
21853 도로 폐쇄
21864 이산로그가 장난이냐?
21883 Game of Wizards
21915 Codenames
21936 Suffixes may Contain Prefixes
21978 Monster Game
22010 Lanterns
22023 Distributing Candies
22199 Cat in a tree
22262 Tiles
22347 공통 괄호 문자열 사전
22487 Do use segment tree
22879 돌 가져가기 2
22903 오렌지 농장 시뮬레이션
22905 오렌지 리프의 특별 훈련
22916 Binary Search Game
23049 고슴도치 그래프
23053 문자열 X
23063 Diversity
23064 L-triominoes
23110 How to Move the Beans
23180 Three Competitions
23392 Fuga da Prisão
23493 Back and Forth
23566 Ant Colonies
23576 Stock Price Prediction
23648 Polynomial
23669 Philosophical Balance
23745 내가 몇 등이었지??
23766 간단한 트리 문제
23768 Boredom Buster
23839 바자와 샤자
23851 Akcija
24028 사진 촬영
24032 깔때기와 비커
24282 Connect
24487 Multiple Choice Test
24507 blobfacepalm
24554 불협화음
24613 Phone Numbers
24686 Browsing the Collection
24917 지역 순회
24953 Reconstruction Project
25002 Board Game
25017 플래피 버드
25021 알록달록한 괄호열
25108 Lines in a grid
25351 중간 구간 게임
25361 Global Warming