DGIST 학교 랭킹작

디지생이 못 푼 문제를 찾아보자

문제 번호 제목
2520 팬케이크 사랑
2703 Cryptoquote
2704 이진법 시계
2756 다트
3183 Dates
3208 gus
3234 LUKA
3282 ROOMS
3417 Vigenère Cipher Encryption
3566 대형 스크린
3588 Water Main Break
3595 맥주 냉장고
3622 어떤 호박의 할로윈 여행
3778 애너그램 거리
4107 Knitting
4176 Digits
4285 Prerequisites?
4287 Word Ratios
4349 Blocks
4365 Stack 'em Up
4436 엘프의 검
4471 The Navi-Computer is Down!
4483 “Robot Roll Call – Cambot...Servo...Gypsy...Croooow”
4486 Pencils from the 19th Century
4500 “Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum, in the dish, how many pieces do you wish?”
4575 Refrigerator Magnets
4580 Mad Scientist
4581 Voting
4593 Rock, Paper, Scissors
4613 Quicksum
4636 Clay Bully
4646 Magnificent Meatballs
4678 Skew Binary
4757 A Contesting Decision
4807 Iterated Difference
4824 Post Office
4826 Range
4841 Look and Say
4890 Tiles of Tetris, NOT!
4974 ICPC Score Totalizer Software
4998 저금
5100 Jean and Joe’s Clothes
5103 DVDs
5121 Alarmist
5139 Oil Exploration
5145 Subway Fares
5149 Map Interface
5151 Lobbying
5155 Gadget Purchases
5187 Civil Engineering
5190 Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
5205 School Colors
5222 Vigenère Cipher
5236 Longest Decreasing Suffix
5238 Stacked Floating Mountains
5489 Numbers
5603 問題2
5617 問題 1
5678 Bakugan
5679 Hailstone Sequences
5715 Jingle Composing
5753 Pascal Library
5778 Fake tickets
5956 Symmetry
5959 Crop Circles
5974 Lucky Charms
6013 Lonesome Partners
6040 Hexadecimal Conversion
6060 Wheel Rotation
6081 Hay Expenses
6323 Carbon Dating
6361 Number Base Conversion
6438 Reverse Text
6469 Uniform Generator
6479 Factorial Frequencies
6508 A Game with Marbles
6696 Too Much Water
6736 The Idiot of the Year Contest!
6766 Big Bang Secrets
6769 Aromatic Numbers
6795 Up and Down
6796 Punchy
6811 Old Fishin’ Hole
6979 Maximum Distance
6993 Shift Letters
6995 Hand Detection
7015 Millennium
7120 String
7360 Undercut
7411 Decoding Task
7477 Highways
7482 상자 만들기
7582 On the Bus
7586 Untied Airlines
7598 Bookings
7599 Library Codes
7600 문자가 몇갤까
7601 Outfits
7637 AAAAHH! Overbooked!
7790 Joke
7857 Simple prefix compression
8270 Tulips
8295 Rectangles
8371 Dyslexia
8436 Kamil
8537 Imiona mrówek
8610 Szyfr
8624 Lista
8635 Zliczacz liter
8638 Zwycięzcy
8660 Sumy i różnice
8663 Konik polny
8668 Konik polny 2
8669 Las
8676 Figury
8712 Wężyk
8713 Znak działania
8715 Permutacja
8721 Wykreślanka
8724 Pinezki
8727 Farby
8728 Grusze i jabłonie
8743 Turniej
8744 Wykres
8772 Szyfr Cezara
8804 Palindromy
8836 Złodziejki
8912 Sales
8965 Circular Sequence
9046 복호화
9056 Letter Bank
9151 Starship Hakodate-maru
9160 The Brave Sir Robin’s cAsE cOrReCtOr
9182 Biorhythms
9228 Check Digits
9285 Watering - 1
9296 Grading Exams
9306 Practice: Roll Call
9313 Integer Flipping
9349 Fegla and the Bed Bugs
9377 String LD
9387 Gholam’s Simple Game
9388 Arbiter Login
9398 A Password Policy Requirement
9433 Zombie Invasion
9449 Garage
9558 Between the Mountains
9635 Balloons Colors
9636 NASSA’s Robot
9703 Anti-Arithmetic Permutation
9849 Rect
9850 Cipher
9883 Morton Numbers
9884 Euclid
9891 Rect
9896 Gray
9897 Lamp
9907 ID
9916 Zeros
9947 Coin tossing
9948 Have you had your birthday yet?
9954 Cedric's Cypher
9971 The Hardest Problem Ever
10193 Word Swap
10202 Longest Subsequence
10203 Count Vowels
10270 Algebraic Teamwork
10347 Reverse Rot
10362 Turtle Graphics
10383 The Cost of Moving
10410 Eligibility
10497 Hitting the Targets
10501 Ragged Right
10598 Knockout Racing
10855 Extreme Sort
11007 Inverse Move-to-Front Transform
11018 Fall 2006: 100 Years of Engineering
11094 꿍 가라사대
11113 The Traveling Orienteerer
11117 Letter Cookies
11145 Is it a Number?
11158 Angry Grammar Nazi
11195 Peragrams
11264 Logical Functions: AND-OR
11269 Cryptographer’s Conundrum
11287 Margaret’s Minute Minute Manipulation
11295 Exercising
11296 가격
11297 Cypher
11319 Count Me In
11323 Solitaire
11431 Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!
11517 Positive Con Sequences
11531 ACM 대회 채점
11587 MARKO
11596 Triangle
11605 Magic Trick
11606 Egg Drop
11636 Stand on Zanzibar
11640 Scaling Recipes
11680 Dice Cup
11760 Mastering Mastermind
11922 BELA
12074 Googol String (Small)
12085 Moist (Small1)
12086 Moist (Small2)
12166 Standing Ovation (Small)
12167 Standing Ovation (Large)
12174 #include
12184 GBus count (Small)
12185 GBus count (Large)
12289 Moist (Small1)
12290 Moist (Small2)
12352 Hedgemony (Large)
12353 Dr. Spaceman의 특별한 알고리즘
12400 Speaking in Tongues (Small)
12495 Perfect Harmony (Small)
12525 Centauri Prime (Small1)
12526 Centauri Prime (Small2)
12572 Rope Intranet (Large)
12603 Store Credit (Small)
12780 원피스
12866 피노키오
13035 Rectangle and Squares
13064 Cameras
13153 Formula
13155 Common Knowledge
13234 George Boole
13235 팰린드롬
13288 A New Alphabet
13297 Quick Estimates
13298 Robotopia
13366 Math Contest
13419 탕수육
13420 사칙연산
13456 Richard Hamming
13462 Battle Simulation
13587 huaauhahhuahau
13604 Jogo de Estratégia
13627 Dangerous Dive
13655 Guarda Costeira
13658 Revisão de Contrato
13667 Leitura Ótica
13670 Alarme Despertador
13682 Loop Musical
13690 Jogo do Bicho
13771 Presents
13772 Holes
13774 Palindromes
13775 Virus
13877 이건 무슨 진법이지?
13939 Imena
13987 Six Sides
14004 ICPC
14183 Key Maker
14290 Diwali lightings (Small)
14322 Country Leader (Small)
14323 Country Leader (Large)
14409 Tuna
14535 Birthday Graph
14542 Outer Triangle Sum
14547 X X glued
14563 완전수
14614 Calculate!
14625 냉동식품
14726 신용카드 판별
14758 Paint Me
14771 Advertising Revenue
14803 Steed 2: Cruise Control (Small)
14915 진수 변환기
14969 Taro's Shopping
14991 Disastrous Doubling
15001 Frog Leaps
15035 I Work All Day
15104 Odd Palindrome
15115 Delayed Work
15121 Star Arrangements
15122 Forbidden Zero
15130 Arithmetic Sequences
15155 Analysis of Advanced Analytics
15177 Kiwis vs Kangaroos
15180 Fitness
15181 Beautiful Music
15216 Another Brick in the Wall
15226 House of Cards
15234 Number Pairs
15238 Pirates
15252 Opening Ceremony
15256 Triple Jump
15272 Hissing Microphone
15322 Košnja
15341 Bank Card Verifier
15429 Odd Gnome
15444 Vera and ABCDE
15449 Art
15612 Cube Bits
15786 Send me the money
15838 Wak Sani Satay
15845 Winning ICPC
15874 Caesar Cipher
15885 고장난 시계
16032 Income Inequality
16103 Drawn and Quartered
16175 General Election
16265 Spreadsheets
16412 Heir’s Dilemma
16446 Enigma
16462 '나교수' 교수님의 악필
16515 Euler’s Number
16585 Tour de BINUS
16623 Laps
16634 Run-Length Encoding, Run!
16676 근우의 다이어리 꾸미기
16728 Chaarshanbegaan at Cafebazaar
16735 Congestion Charging Zone
16769 Mixing Milk
16770 The Bucket List
16847 Teenage Mutant
16864 So You Like Your Food Hot?
17011 Cold Compress
17027 Shell Game
17122 체스
17273 카드 공장 (Small)
17285 XORChic
17598 Animal King Election
17795 Ballpark Estimate
17850 Make America Grade Again
17851 This Problem’s a Slam Dunk
17884 Lost Lineup
17889 Mars Window
17897 Pea Soup and Pancakes
17919 Östgötska
17924 Cooking Water
17930 Hanging Out on the Terrace
17946 피자는 나눌 수록 커지잖아요
17987 Howl
18063 Jazz Enthusiast
18098 Совпадения
18130 여름나기
18141 Are They All Integers?
18142 Tapioka
18154 Speeding
18238 ZOAC 2
18245 이상한 나라의 암호
18309 Extreme Temperatures
18312 시각
18403 KABISA
18884 New Year and Naming
19155 Copying Homework
19563 개구리 1
19572 가뭄(Small)
19604 Art
19718 King's Inspection
19729 Valya and Letter
19733 Difficult Problems
19759 <<Кто хочет стать миллионером?>>
19766 Доставка футболок
19786 Ставка
19796 Реклама на заборе
19802 Ребус
19842 Restoring the Sequence
19880 Номер страницы
19946 2의 제곱수 계산하기
19963 Санта Клаус
19982 Генератор паролей
20155 우리 집 밑에 편의점이 있는데
20216 Ducky Debugging
20224 Count Down Up 2020
20282 Game Show!
20336 Haughty Cuisine
20341 Moderate Pace
20355 Caesar Word Salad
20374 Big Money
20512 Призы
20571 Elevators
20574 General Knight
20575 Buffon's Needle
20660 Pizza
20709 Kate's 2021 Celebration
20733 Triple Texting
20735 Fifty Shades of Pink
20737 Sanic
20743 Bus Numbers
20761 Alloys
20817 Konsonantkoll
20953 고고학자 예린
20959 Šifra
21022 Three Points for a Win
21059 Methodic Multiplication
21143 Magic Trick
21144 Missing Number
21146 Rating Problems
21180 Reconstruct Sum
21207 Train Boarding
21285 Namnsdag
21287 Färgrobot
21301 Comfy Deviations
21313 문어
21324 Mars Message
21355 Personnummer
21412 Дробь
21432 Нефть
21529 Кастинг
21569 Цапли
21573 Кондиционер
21613 Silent Auction
21623 Game
21661 Соревнование картингистов
21756 지우개
21895 Rock-Paper-Scissors for three
21918 전구
21945 Palindromes
22098 Треугольники
22108 Игра
22160 Параллелепипед
22172 Веревочная почта
22178 Граница
22179 Загранпаспорт
22182 Круговая диаграмма
22188 Тарифы
22341 사각형 면적
22389 一般化うるう年
22524 koukyoukoukokukikou
22656 Princess' Gamble
22680 Space Coconut Crab
22999 K-Goodness String
23274 Joint Jog Jam
23275 Knot Knowledge
23292 코딩 바이오리듬
23334 Olympic Ranking
23401 Ljeto
23627 driip
23716 Transform the String
23756 노브 돌리기
23787 Cyanide Rivers
23854 The Battle of Giants
23901 Bike Tour
24184 Arabiska
24246 Junior price robot
24303 ПРЪЧКИ
24334 SD КАРТИ
24347 КАРТИ
24376 РЕДИЦА
24386 КЛЕЧКИ
24388 РАМКА
24405 Eye of Sauron
24573 Good Fours and Good Fives
24577 Espresso!
24578 Ultimate Binary Watch
24606 Double Password
24608 Average Character
24610 Who Goes There?
24638 Anno Domini 2022
24745 Morse Code Palindromes
24765 Mia
24767 Beehives
24769 Beekeeper
24770 Carousel Rides
24795 Saving Princess Peach
24798 The Weight Of Words
24805 Climbing Worm
24809 Broken Swords
24820 Spelling Bee
24923 Canadians, eh?
25246 Brexiting and Brentering
25371 k진수 정수의 자릿수 나누기