DGIST 학교 랭킹작

디지생이 못 푼 문제를 찾아보자

문제 번호 제목
1459 걷기
1487 물건 팔기
1491 나선
1606 침투 계획 세우기
1622 공통 순열
1639 행운의 티켓
1716 Polynomial Remains
1758 알바생 강호
1835 카드
1895 필터
1907 탄소 화합물
2235 GPS Encoding
2349 무선 통신 기지국
2358 평행선
2597 줄자접기
2678 에드삭 데이터 디코딩하기
2799 블라인드
2811 상범이의 우울
2859 별 관찰
2943 토끼
2980 도로와 신호등
3018 캠프파이어
3022 PRASE
3097 산책 경로
3152 예쁜 숫자
3162 turbo
3168 stolni
3196 utrka
3211 kino
3231 카드놀이
3251 SONG
3262 BUHA
3451 Easy Task
3518 공백왕 빈-칸
3532 Defense of a Kingdom
3610 Graveyard
3634 Flip and Turn
3699 주차 빌딩
3952 Mystery
4154 Buzzwords
4159 알래스카
4166 HST
4232 Conformity
4236 Open Source
4281 Crabbles
4282 War on Weather
4300 Traditional BINGO
4340 Rock, Scissors, Paper
4353 Beavergnaw
4363 Snow Clearing
4366 Average Speed
4368 Babelfish
4391 Y2K Accounting Bug
4426 Dick and Jane
4452 Lightning Lessons
4466 A Smart Brain is a Tasty Brain
4492 “Ancient” Calculator
4509 Coffin Tiles
4548 Defining Moment
4569 Jugglefest
4598 Lampyridae Teleportae
4668 Automatic Editing
4676 Haiku Review
4695 Letter Sequence Analysis
4774 Financial Management
4839 소진법
4861 Faulty Odometer
4865 Shortest Prefixes
4921 나무 블록
4955 Pablo Squarson's Headache
4980 Dirichlet's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions
4981 Organize Your Train part II
4988 Numeral System
5040 Playfair Cipher
5059 Shopaholic
5104 NoMoPhobia
5150 Wireless Network
5172 The Perfect Alibi
5219 String Transformations
5230 Prefix Codes
5247 Mining Maps
5437 Dividing the Loot
5604 問題3
5609 問題 3
5614 問題 3
5667 Tornado!
5688 In Braille
5690 King’s Poker
5705 Hexagonal Tiles
5723 Electricity
5741 Soccer League
5763 Magic Trick
5766 할아버지는 유명해!
5787 Noise Effect
5966 Cow Cotillion
5967 Cow Treats
5985 Skewed Sorting
5990 Barn Echoes
5991 Papaya Jungle
6011 Selfish Grazing
6053 Mountain Watching
6092 Strange Towers of Hanoi
6111 Watering - 3
6148 Bookshelf 2
6165 Game of Lines
6230 Buy One Get One Free
6245 Cow Solitaire
6460 Pizza Anyone?
6470 Excuses, Excuses!
6513 Deli Deli
6546 Edge
6556 Paths on a Grid
6562 Etaoin Shrdlu
6634 Digital Display
6640 Suspicious Stocks
6781 Boring Business
6785 Alice Through the Looking Glass
6809 Shuffle
6977 Pattern Generator
7121 Pencil Factory
7304 Rotten Ropes
7317 Skew Binary
7318 Parencodings
7368 Untidy Desktops
7374 Joseph
7387 Box
7484 Bowling
7585 Brackets
7640 Matryoshka Dolls
7642 Four Gate Push
7696 반복하지 않는 수
7774 콘센트
7801 Avoiding Financial Nightmare
7830 Romantic Date
7846 ACM Rank Table
7847 Sales Report
7848 Random Gap
8351 Mosaicism
8362 Near
8419 Wielomian
8529 NumberEater
8544 Megawirus
8594 Program
8634 Sumujący Jaś
8667 Gwoździe
8673 Krany
8675 Dwie wieże
8735 Obwody
8737 Karty
8738 Rolki papieru
8773 Szlaczek
8795 Karaoke
8808 Malowane liczby
8896 가위 바위 보
8976 LAGNO
9117 Colour Sequence
9137 Matematické cvičení
9215 신나는 분수 계산
9239 스티브 잡숭
9307 Geometric Inflation
9309 Password Validation
9322 철벽 보안 알고리즘
9357 Eligibility
9399 Best Friends
9400 Calculate the Fence Needed
9414 프로그래밍 대회 전용 부지
9523 Arithmetic with Morse
9612 Maximum Word Frequency
9627 문장
9631 The Alphabet Sticker
9648 First Date
9691 Janosik
9715 면적 구하기
9728 Pair Sum
9819 Color Change of Go Game Pieces
9834 Card
9835 BESTP
9842 Prime
9843 LVM
9855 Cuckoo for Hashing
9863 Calling All Programmers
9872 Record Keeping
9919 Route
9981 Treasure Hunters
9982 Frogger's For Dinner
10139 Lustra
10209 Theseus and the Minotaur
10225 Cluedo
10291 Ribbon
10342 Fun House
10432 데이터 스트림의 섬
10442 Rank Order
10465 Rolling Encryption
10481 Ternarian Weights
10489 Even Up Solitaire
10495 Choosing Numbers
10604 Working Hours
10892 Divide into triangle
11029 ĐỘI MŨ
11039 Short Phrase
11080 Almost an Anagram
11086 All about that base
11101 꿍의 여친 만들기
11125 Marble Madness
11142 Cross Country Race
11164 Traveling Cellsperson
11187 Birds on a Wire
11208 Falling Mugs
11255 ITAI Virus
11270 Disastrous Downtime
11322 Numbers are Easy
11341 Eakspay igpay atinlay?
11344 Waiting for Change
11345 Cornell Party
11507 카드셋트
11538 Pyro Tubes
11558 The Game of Death
11762 A Towering Problem
11785 Programming Contest Strategy
11916 볼질
11946 ACM-ICPC
11947 이런 반전이
12040 Password Security (Small1)
12042 Lazy Spelling Bee (Small)
12043 Lazy Spelling Bee (Large)
12046 Not So Random (Small)
12060 gFiles (Small)
12068 gWheels (Small)
12084 Captain Hammer (Small)
12110 Telefoni
12204 Parentheses Order (Small)
12236 Up and Down (Small)
12288 Captain Hammer (Small)
12331 Manage your Energy (Small)
12336 Tic-Tac-Toe-Tomek (Large)
12346 Captain Hammer (Small)
12382 Diamond Inheritance (Small)
12408 Quake Live (Small2)
12409 Shoot the Target (Small1)
12477 Dire Straights (Small)
12491 Square Tiles (Small)
12493 Space Emergency (Small)
12505 The Killer Word (Small)
12512 Magicka (Large)
12513 Candy Splitting (Small)
12531 Vanishing Numbers (Small)
12590 Snapper Chain (Large)
12592 Fair Warning (Large)
12629 Crazy Rows (Small)
12641 Bribe the Prisoners (Small)
12655 Alien Language (Small)
12711 Text Messaging Outrage (Small)
12717 Crop Triangles (Small)
12725 Milkshakes (Small)
12779 상품 is 뭔들
12788 제 2회 IUPC는 잘 개최될 수 있을까?
12847 꿀 아르바이트
12927 배수 스위치
13170 떨어진 수정
13243 Non-decreasing subsegment
13360 Game Rank
13374 Cyclic Triangle
13411 하늘에서 정의가 빗발친다!
13472 Sticky Situation
13525 Fridge
13676 Escultura a Laser
13693 Cubos Coloridos
13718 Tavan
13732 Falling Apples
13764 Earl’s Extremely Efficient Encryption
13932 Exam Redistribution
13986 Gravity
14010 Where To Go?
14042 Tandem Bicycle
14162 Suma
14244 트리 만들기
14246 K보다 큰 구간
14291 Diwali lightings (Large)
14292 Beautiful Numbers (Small)
14308 Safe Squares (Small)
14330 Lazy Spelling Bee (Small)
14331 Lazy Spelling Bee (Large)
14383 Revenge of the Pancakes (Small)
14384 Revenge of the Pancakes (Large)
14387 Fractiles (Small)
14394 9-퍼즐
14402 야근
14478 Bulbs
14485 Ingenious Lottery Tickets
14602 소금과 후추 (Small)
14612 김식당
14670 병약한 영정
14680 효빈이의 과외
14717 앉았다
14763 Password Hacking
14783 Eenie Meenie Miney Moe
14815 Fresh Chocolate (Small)
14911 궁합 쌍 찾기
14936 엘리베이터 장난
15017 Best Relay Team
15118 Halfway
15120 Unloaded Die
15132 Boolean Satisfiability
15167 Anticlockwise Motion
15183 Musical Chairs
15198 NKD
15233 Final Score
15282 Frosh Week
15287 Easy Quest
15323 ZigZag
15360 Rasvjeta
15367 Spirale
15407 How to Eat at a Buffet
15436 Wizard of Odds
15577 Prosjek
15832 Aku Negaraku
15876 Binary Counting
16006 Harmonic number
16086 Дайн
16131 기숙사 서바이벌 (Dormvival Games)
16162 가희와 3단 고음
16179 Palapa Number
16218 힘 겨루기
16237 이삿짐센터
16450 Interruptores
16499 동일한 단어 그룹화하기
16513 Rational Ratio
16598 Achievements
16609 Inflation
16666 Guest Student
16671 Lazyland
16677 악마 게임
16850 Siblings
16863 Score!
16951 블록 놀이
16960 스위치와 램프
17028 Sleepy Cow Sorting
17164 Rainbow Beads
17254 키보드 이벤트
17419 비트가 넘쳐흘러
17572 Hamster Ball
17637 Count Squares
17756 Kieszonkowe
17797 Dome Construction
17847 Diamonds Are for Evers
17858 Out of Sorts
17891 Pairing Socks
17894 Espresso Bucks
17906 Fishmongers
18009 Price Evaluation
18066 Move & Meet
18100 Думский регламент
18101 Правильный подмногоугольник
18332 Valid Emails
18384 PRIM
18422 Emacs
18987 Time Zone
19179 Ladder
19230 Datum
19636 요요 시뮬레이션
19768 Милый общий делитель
19769 Робот
19780 Мерлин
19844 단어 개수 세기
19887 Агроном-любитель
19981 ЕГЭ
20029 Mock Competition Marketing
20214 Binary Seating
20222 Jam-packed
20244 Mind the Gap
20363 당근 키우기
20381 The Set's the Thing
20388 Soundex Indexing
20428 Улучшение успеваемости
20436 ZOAC 3
20470 Наибольший общий делитель
20493 세상은 하나의 손수건
20502 Gum색
20507 Knjige
20548 칠리소스
20551 Sort 마스터 배지훈의 후계자
20569 Social Dancers
20703 Easy Measurements
20732 Proofs
20750 #include
20835 Renoveringen
20857 Köpa matta
20868 Fluortanten
20974 Even More Odd Photos
21032 Odd GCD Matching
21149 Unread Messages
21177 No Thanks!
21198 Arithmetic Decoding
21236 Comfortable Cows
21311 Evenly Separated Strings
21361 Robotdammsugaren
21409 Шахматные баталии
21417 Перемешивание
21554 마법의 돌 장난감
21597 You Be the Judge!
21650 Чемпионат по стрельбе
21704 Забор
21716 Операции
21920 서로소 평균
22035 Bus Lines
22062 Цифровые корни
22066 Турникеты в метро
22095 Поход в гости
22223 Table 2
22242 Map
22243 Piles of books
22285 Neighborhood Watch
22290 lattice
22302 Factorial Factors
22369 On-Call
22531 Carpenters' Language
22614 Infected Computer
22657 Princess' Marriage
22749 First Experience
22788 Prime Digital Roots
23038 박스 그림 문자
23076 Trash Bins
23305 수강변경
23391 Escada Rolante
23394 Haja Ordenação
23516 Least Common Divisor
23534 Avoid Anagrams
23604 Chinese Remainder Theorem
23785 Organ-free Man
23914 High Buildings
23918 Metal Harvest
23947 Book Reading
23967 Yogurt
24035 Impartial Offerings
24061 알고리즘 수업 - 병합 정렬 2
24090 알고리즘 수업 - 퀵 정렬 1
24314 알고리즘 수업 - 점근적 표기 2
24315 알고리즘 수업 - 점근적 표기 3
24398 알고리즘 수업 - 선택 알고리즘 1
24399 알고리즘 수업 - 선택 알고리즘 2
24407 MrCodeFormatGrader
24465 데뷔의 꿈
24468 충돌의 수
24494 Herdle
24571 Good Groups
24605 Tetris Generation
24622 Blocks
24624 Анализ крипторынка
24625 Взять след!
24743 CIDR
24771 Un-bear-able Zoo
24793 Shiritori
24811 Touchdown!
24875 Чемпионат по устному счету
24933 Quadratic Dissonance
24939 Boardle
25039 Med
25058 Bottle Arrangements
25085 Palindromic Factors
25131 Ekscentrična enkripcija
25167 이상한 아리의 채점
25214 크림 파스타