DGIST 학교 랭킹작

디지생이 못 푼 문제를 찾아보자

문제 번호 제목
1418 K-세준수
1531 투명
1645 성지의 생일파티
1996 지뢰 찾기
2097 조약돌
2238 경매
2246 콘도 선정
2677 에드삭 만들기
2714 문자를 받은 승환이
2828 사과 담기 게임
2949 45도
3100 국기 인식
3189 tomo
3443 Reaux! Sham! Beaux!
3553 Dragon’s Question
4028 Chain of Fools
4096 팰린드로미터
4279 Medals
4351 Hay Points
4383 점프는 즐거워
4406 Billiard
4411 The Trip
4418 Request for Proposal
4446 ROT13
4476 Laser Turret Maintenance
4542 Blue Jeans
4604 Steganography
4647 Safecracker
4649 Tanning Salon
4670 Booklet Printing
4674 Do the Untwist
4679 The Snail
4689 Basically Speaking
4775 Spelling Be
4801 Nine
4809 Stock Prices
4869 Blackjack
4877 GYM
4912 A Tale from the Dark Side of The Moon
4962 Next Mayor
5024 Dirty Driving
5046 전국 대학생 프로그래밍 대회 동아리 연합
5077 Maps
5092 Air Old Zeeland
5115 Coded Communication
5134 Grocery Shopping
5390 Gene Shuffle
5591 最大の和
5671 호텔 방 번호
5725 Pole Position
5747 Odd or Even
5839 Cow Race
5840 Breed Proximity
5866 Meet and Greet
5939 Race Results
5957 Cleaning the Dishes
5976 A spiral walk
6001 The Grand Farm-off
6052 Cow Pals
6107 Plumbing the Pond
6108 The Perfect Cow
6110 Watering - 2
6123 O Those Fads
6138 Exploration
6159 코스튬 파티
6177 Statistics
6178 Lake Making
6203 Serious Cow Tag
6325 Definite Values
6375 Set Me
6417 코코넛 그 두 번째 이야기
6463 팩트
6467 Prime Cuts
6494 Another lottery
6495 Ballot evaluation
6538 Run Length Encoding
6545 Drink, on Ice
6550 부분 문자열
6553 Diplomatic License
6752 Time on task
6971 Nasty Numbers
6973 Dynamic Dictionary Coding
7095 Factorials
7113 Rectangle
7359 The Worm Turns
7365 Ride My Bicycle
7367 Sequence
7369 Maya Calendar
7378 Watchdog
7390 Easy Trading
7397 Alternative Scale of Notation
7487 The Very Greatest Common Divisor
7541 StuPId
7554 Brainman
7596 MP3 Songs
7602 Exercise
7683 Scrabble
7800 The Chosen Sub Matrix
7803 Burger, French Fries, Soft Drink
7921 Dziadkowie
7946 Supermarket
8016 Insulator
8029 Density Map
8117 Triangles
8261 Niekolejne
8560 Waga binarna
8582 Park
8608 Run Bajtocja
8611 팰린드롬 숫자
8625 Minimalna liczba
8633 Sortowanie biżuterii
8662 Szuflady
8666 Zakład
8682 Wesoła małpka
8726 Dziewczynki
8762 Brakujące cyfry
8816 Klasa
8820 Fabryka butów
8978 VLAK
9017 크로스 컨트리
9037 The candy war
9138 Červotoči
9196 정수 직사각형
9255 The Friend of My Enemy is My Enemy
9290 틱택토 이기기
9300 Where’s the Rainbow
9324 진짜 메시지
9329 패스트 푸드 상금
9442 Sort Me
9447 Energy Tycoon
9468 Islands in the Data Stream
9512 Languages
9609 PSU Campuses
9626 크로스워드 퍼즐
9649 Grachten
9670 Movie
9708 Charles Babbage's Difference Engine
9815 Cabric Number Problem
9881 Ski Course Design
9908 Carpet
9953 Paula's search
9973 Polar Explorer
9979 Does This Make Me Look Fat?
10194 Aligned Calender
10261 Catalan Square
10296 IceBucketChallenge
10353 Frame
10431 줄세우기
10469 사이 나쁜 여왕들
10527 Judging Troubles
10594 Filter
10689 Hamza
10738 TETA
10770 Rövarspråket
10914 Veni, vidi, vici
10960 Calvinball championship, again 1
11015 Spring 2005: Arriving at USC
11078 Banking
11203 Numbers On a Tree
11235 Polling
11256 사탕
11260 Cell Counting
11290 Wonowon
11298 Graphs
11317 Roots! Really?
11346 Cornell Party - Retry
11371 The Big Eye in the Sky
11419 Olympic Parade
11462 The Owl and the Fox
11477 Lucky Chances
11564 점프왕 최준민
11597 Excellence
11609 Class Time
11637 인기 투표
11645 I’ve Been Everywhere, Man
11674 Identifying Map Tiles
11675 Jumbled Communication
11739 Easy Problemset
11773 ESEJ
12033 김인천씨의 식료품가게 (Small)
12034 김인천씨의 식료품가게 (Large)
12035 Dance Around The Clock (Small)
12259 Magic Trick (Small)
12268 Meet and party (Small)
12335 Tic-Tac-Toe-Tomek (Small)
12339 Fair and Square (Small)
12354 Ocean View (Small)
12407 Quake Live (Small1)
12503 FreeCell Statistics (Small)
12511 Magicka (Small)
12537 Closing the Loop (Small)
12541 Building a House (Small)
12589 Snapper Chain (Small)
12591 Fair Warning (Small)
12597 Get to Work (Small)
12598 Get to Work (Large)
12649 Multi-base happiness (Small)
12709 PermRLE (Small)
12723 Minimum Scalar Product (Small)
12755 수면 장애
12760 최후의 승자는 누구?
13047 Chaos
13133 Aurora Princess
13211 Passport Checking
13238 Bitcoin investment
13371 Dolphin
13473 Anniversary Cake
13497 Sonnets
13593 Histórico de Comandos
13650 Botas perdidas
13748 Periodic Strings
13797 Era Name
13878 FBI Universal Control Numbers
13930 Careful Ascent
13959 Candle Box
14006 Large Ping Pong Tournament
14113 Lubenice
14157 Čuvar
14334 Not So Random (Small)
14410 Pareto
14534 String Permutation
14732 행사장 대여 (Small)
14760 Reverse Nonogram
14762 Election
15044 Fase
15081 Is Everybody Appy?
15088 Game of Throwns
15157 Candy Sales
15387 Go Go Go Special Action Force!
15426 GlitchBot
15430 Progressive Scramble
15437 Treasure Hunt
15707 exceed or not
15738 뒤집기
15788 밸런스 스톤
15905 스텔라(STELLA)가 치킨을 선물했어요
16022 Voronoi Villages
16061 You Are Fired!
16148 Non-Violent Protests
16180 New House
16460 Cupid
16506 CPU
16588 Substring Permutation
16815 Star in Parentheses
16865 The Ups and Downs of Investing
16961 탭 vs 공백
17039 Sleepy Cow Herding (Bronze)
17047 Titlovi
17048 Jarvis
17207 돌려막기
17262 팬덤이 넘쳐흘러
17508 6789
17542 Architecture
17566 Bus Logic
17576 Last Word
17599 Bags
17848 Flight Turbulence
17857 Musical Chairs
17895 Loo Rolls
18003 Checkerboard
18097 Большие перемены
18155 Issuing Plates
18206 Soft Passwords
18209 Umm Code
18242 네모네모 시력검사
18311 왕복
18331 Gold Rush
18388 SECHT
18511 큰 수 구성하기
18649 Lowest Unique
18703 Duplicate Files
18706 Coffee
18787 Mad Scientist
18881 Social Distancing II
19025 Time to get up!
19250 Flat Earth
19592 장난감 경주
19709 LunchBox
19719 Cash Gap
19725 Checking Answers to Test
19775 Шахматы
19790 Загадочное уравнение
19805 Attractive Flowers
19817 Company Merging
19829 The Pleasant Walk
19874 Максимальное произведение
19878 Летопись
19879 Икебана
19971 Домашнее задание
20200 Crtanje
20246 Pac-Man
20256 Right-Coupled Numbers
20277 Batalha Naval
20376 Counting Monuments
20382 VCR++ Codes
20384 Dart-a-Mania
20411 추첨상 사수 대작전! (Normal)
20546 🐜 기적의 매매법 🐜
20568 Recess Rocks
20680 Birds Rituals
20698 Police Stations
20751 Barsik
20762 Sequential Manufacturing
20775 Antiplagiarism
20812 Tebryggning
20818 Godishalsbandet
20856 Tunnelbaneplatser
20861 Skattkartan
20949 효정과 새 모니터
21027 Presidential Game
21030 Frequent Alphabet
21047 Array of Discord
21181 Kangaroo Party
21194 Meditation
21221 Bold
21356 Hundraelva kronor
21437 Перевод времени
21449 Красивая таблица результатов
21533 Игральные кубики
21557 불꽃놀이
21592 Longest Common Substring
21680 Неправильное сложение
21890 File names
21966 (중략)
22099 Оригами
22171 Телешоу
22187 Конкатенация строк
22282 H-Index
22428 Step Aerobics
22454 Save Your Privacy!
22461 Kakezan
22548 雅先生の地球侵略日誌
22608 Luck Manipulator
22662 Pi is Three
22728 Amida, the City of Miracle
22733 Monkey Business
22811 Get Many Persimmon Trees
22820 Get a Rectangular Field
22935 이진 딸기
22970 문제 재탕
23011 Arithmetic Square
23028 5학년은 다니기 싫어요
23261 Dogs and Cats
23335 Aliquot Sum
23415 Boxes on a Shelf
23428 Painting roofs
23568 Find the House
23595 Quadratic equation
23717 Painter
23895 Allocation
23922 Maximum Coins
24064 Intersections
24091 알고리즘 수업 - 퀵 정렬 2
24173 알고리즘 수업 - 힙 정렬 1
24174 알고리즘 수업 - 힙 정렬 2
24359 ДВА НИЗА
24509 상품의 주인은?
24570 Harp Tuning
24586 Code Guessing
24589 Stream Lag
24626 Градусы, радианы, грады
24639 Boris and Berta
24739 Sequinary Numerals
24753 Social Distancing
24755 Election Paradox
24776 Recount
24784 Linden Mayor System
24817 Competitive Arcade Basketball
24822 Musical Trees
24852 Computational ethnography
24872 Числа
24928 Magical Runes
24931 Patchwork
24936 Trip Odometer
25153 TiM
25268 Name Generation