DGIST 학교 랭킹작

디지생이 못 푼 문제를 찾아보자

문제 번호 제목
1124 언더프라임
1421 나무꾼 이다솜
1552 도미노
1643 쿠폰
1706 크로스워드
1900 레슬러
2148 Super 12
2189 Magickology
2232 지뢰
2509 쉬운 매췽
2641 다각형그리기
2676 라스칼 삼각형
2697 다음수 구하기
2722 Shuffle’m Up
2777 숫자 놀이
2785 체인
2823 유턴 싫어
2876 그래픽스 퀴즈
3005 크로스워드 퍼즐 쳐다보기
3088 화분 부수기
3155 터널
3170 grad
3178 코코스
3186 소변기
3205 fusnote
3253 TRAM
3369 Countries
3397 Division Expression
3423 The Grille
3469 Simple Arithmetics
3541 상근타워
3550 Auxiliary Question of the Universe
3655 먼저 가세요
3703 Pie
3923 저울
3925 암호화의 취약점 찾기
3976 역습
3987 보이저 1호
4019 Flash Mob
4030 포켓볼
4055 파티가 좋아 파티가 좋아
4105 유클리드
4129 Meganominoes
4130 Buying Gas
4131 Modulo Solitaire
4162 Paintball
4188 Cranes
4191 Dominos 2
4245 Team Rankings
4267 The Trip, 2007
4320 완전 P제곱수
4332 Persistent Numbers
4345 Time Zones
4498 Geek Challenge [SKRZAT] (Base Minus Two)
4552 Bingo!
4556 Relative Relatives
4571 Grade School Multiplication
4600 정글의 법칙
4626 가글
4652 W's Cipher
4669 Robot Motion
4687 Wheeler Caravans
4691 DNA Translation
4848 집합 숫자 표기법
4852 Winter Festival
4853 Knots
4863 Suit Distribution
4900 7 더하기
4919 Being Smarty!
5006 Horror List
5127 Weird Currency
5162 Stimulus Package
5166 Monkeys at Typewriters
5177 출력 형식이 잘못되었습니다
5192 Computer Science
5204 Beach Party
5208 Course Load
5389 제곱근 작도
5420 Shepherds and Engineers
5447 Stock Market
5696 숫자 세기
5841 Breed Assignment
5958 Space Exploration
6004 The Chivalrous Cow
6010 Music Notes
6041 MasterMind
6059 Pasture Walking
6080 Bad Grass
6103 Sand Castle
6105 Look Up
6145 Watering - 4
6174 The Loathesome Hay Baler
6193 Hungry Cows
6201 New Cow Brands
6229 Bronze Lilypad Pond
6250 ATM PIN Theft
6374 To the Max
6409 Making Change
6422 Getting Chorded
6423 Run, Run, Runaround Numbers
6492 Shipping Routes
6499 Food portion size
6527 빙고라니!
6554 Polygon Programming with Ease
6651 Calendar of Events
6676 Inglish-Number Translator
6700 Sylvester construction
6772 Choose Your Own Arithmetic
6782 Unfriend
6978 When in Rome...
7014 Snow Cones
7107 Journey of A Knight
7425 Flip Game
7550 Magic Trick
7589 Balanced Change
7638 Betting Sets
7676 Saruman’s army
7861 Longest Ordered Subsequence
7900 Hansel and Grethel
7903 Pearls
7967 Balance
8030 Intervals
8050 Lollobrigida
8061 Bitmap
8094 Canoes
8296 Orienteering
8297 Mushrooms
8576 Przyciski
8614 Pocztówka
8618 Taśma
8627 Żabka Bajtozja
8636 Bankiet
8677 Miasta
8687 Pasy Ruchu
8736 Wieża 2
8774 Kurs
8786 Dalsze kłopoty z ogrodem
8797 Konkotenacja
8848 Puzzle
8861 ASK
8870 Zadanie próbne
8973 수학 공책
9079 동전 게임
9143 Zpětné inženýrství
9294 Even More Dice
9312 Triangular Matrices
9319 도청 장치
9333 돈 갚기
9335 소셜 광고
9351 Casino
9367 관리 난항
9559 Circleland
9600 The Last Ant
9665 GMO
9725 Mod-3 Permutation
9830 Paint
9912 Lexical
9914 Kansas
9915 Cars
9920 Image
9977 Byte Me!
10112 Where’s That Fuel?
10183 Snake2
10252 그리드 그래프
10320 Button Bashing
10331 Miscalculation
10494 Unicycle counting
10515 Refueling Stops
10733 \(I\)교신자 1
10899 King of penalty
10906 N-orthotope
11087 Bobby’s Bet
11095 Torn To Pieces
11107 Vampire
11123 양 한마리... 양 두마리...
11188 Lifting Walls
11218 A1 Paper
11236 Carrot
11259 Travel of alphabets
11299 Contest
11313 Best Buddies
11342 Frame by Frame
11423 Primes
11482 Conversation Log
11488 Nimionese
11611 Blur
11761 Shuffling Along
11807 Equivalent Passwords
12036 Dance Around The Clock (Large)
12050 Dynamic Grid (Small)
12051 Dynamic Grid (Large)
12054 IP Address Summarization (Small)
12058 gRanks (Small)
12059 gRanks (Large)
12077 gCube (Large)
12140 Pegman (Large)
12160 Mushroom Monster (Small)
12168 Infinite House of Pancakes (Small)
12176 Dreary Design (Large1)
12179 Power Levels (Large)
12187 Sort a scrambled itinerary (Large)
12188 Itz Chess (Small)
12189 Itz Chess (Large)
12200 New Years Eve (Small)
12220 Paradox Sort (Small)
12230 Crime House (Small)
12242 Part Elf (Small)
12243 Part Elf (Large)
12254 Charging Chaos (Small)
12275 Ignore all my comments (Large)
12278 Rational Number Tree (Small)
12323 Osmos (Small)
12355 Ocean View (Large)
12356 Zombie Smash (Small)
12396 Kingdom Rush (Small)
12403 Recycled Numbers (Small)
12404 Recycled Numbers (Large)
12453 カードシャッフル (Small)
12457 ビット数 (Small)
12483 Airport Walkways (Small)
12514 Candy Splitting (Large)
12522 Irregular Expressions (Large)
12523 Twibet (Small)
12524 Twibet (Large)
12527 Music Collection (Small1)
12528 Music Collection (Small2)
12538 Closing the Loop (Large)
12567 Bacteria (Small)
12577 File Fix-it (Small)
12578 File Fix-it (Large)
12579 Picking Up Chicks (Small)
12640 Center of Mass (Large)
12658 Watersheds (Large)
12681 Code Sequence (Small)
12719 Number Sets (Small)
12730 Saving the Universe (Large)
12867 N차원 여행
12915 대회 개최
12968 방문
12993 이동3
13022 늑대와 올바른 단어
13082 M and A
13093 North North West
13094 Unknown Switches
13183 창문
13217 Honey
13270 피보나치 치킨
13348 Memory Match
13357 Daydreaming Stockbroker
13423 Three Dots
13500 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
13583 Divisores
13588 Isósceles
13746 Islands
13817 Everlasting...?
13827 Space Coconut Crab II
13880 A Rational Sequence (Take 3)
13908 비밀번호
13935 Hamiltonian Hypercube
13945 Appearance Analysis
13978 Cameras
13984 Contest Score
14008 Medium Weird Measurements
14011 Small PhD Restaurant
14012 Large PhD Restaurant
14146 Bomboni
14233 악덕 사장
14300 Sitting (Small)
14326 Jane's Flower Shop (Small)
14335 Not So Random (Large)
14336 Sums of Sums (Small)
14379 BFFs (Small)
14430 자원 캐기
14445 케이크(?) 자르기
14546 Prison Break
14562 태권왕
14569 시간표 짜기
14613 너의 티어는?
14620 꽃길
14684 Favourite Times
14777 The County Fair
14809 Ample Syrup (Small)
14930 구슬 (BEAD)
14964 Tetris
14995 Horror Film Night
15045 Ginástica
15054 Complete Naebbirac’s sequence
15067 Prime Driving Conditions
15082 KaBlam!
15139 Intelligence in Perpendicularia
15141 Kotlin Island
15241 Counting paths
15244 Debug
15254 Volleyball Scores
15270 친구 팰린드롬
15276 Palindromic Password
15329 Secret of Chocolate Poles
15361 Izbori
15399 Robots
15427 Greeting Card
15428 Imperfect GPS
15500 이상한 하노이 탑
15578 Timovi
15606 High Score
15705 단어 찾기
15729 방탈출
15812 침략자 진아
16033 Origami, or the art of folding paper
16059 Überwatch
16067 Fighting Monsters
16401 과자 나눠주기
16501 만족도 점수
16519 Other Side
16520 Kaleidoscopic Palindromes
16539 Chain
16594 A Study on Groups
16723 원영이는 ZOAC과 영원하고 싶다
16805 Where is the Boundary
16827 Colorful Drink
16860 Are You Listening?
16923 다음 다양한 단어
16931 겉넓이 구하기
17041 Measuring Traffic
17123 배열 놀이
17213 과일 서리
17543 Bracket Sequence
17595 Summer Trip
17597 Zipline
17852 Retribution!
17877 Integer Division
17882 Tired Terry
18002 Balanced Animals
18008 ReMorse
18012 Easy Sculptural Project
18022 Eeny Meeny
18054 Assessing Genomes
18079 Managing Difficulties
18113 그르다 김가놈
18148 Automatic Control Machine
18173 Bob in Wonderland
18187 평면 분할
18248 제야의 종
18249 욱제가 풀어야 하는 문제
18270 Livestock Lineup
18325 Pod starim krovovima
18442 우체국 1
18673 Fractionstellar
18788 Swapity Swap
18867 편지 꼭 해다오
18882 Cowntact Tracing
19076 Competition
19583 싸이버개강총회
19621 회의실 배정 2
19735 Flexible Segments
19737 Torus Travel
19747 The last battle
19755 Эскалатор
19789 Разделение королевства
19798 Лягушонок Билли
19840 Misha's Product
19902 Неисправный марсоход
19917 Broken Line 01
19960 Ожерелье
19975 Википедия
20006 랭킹전 대기열
20011 Рекламный щит
20107 Pebbling odometer 1
20152 Game Addiction
20153 영웅이는 2의 거듭 제곱을 좋아해! 영웅이는 2의 거듭 제곱을 좋아해!
20162 간식 파티
20247 Folding
20379 Deer Me
20385 Lost in Space
20413 MVP 다이아몬드 (Easy)
20438 출석체크
20455 Калькулятор
20516 Три сына
20602 Visual Cube
20626 AiGo
20627 Non-Trivial Common Divisor
20738 Tram
20837 Robottävling
20858 Flyttkartonger
20901 Adolescent Architecture
20950 미술가 미미
21001 A Very Different Word
21127 Binary Supersonic Utahraptors
21184 New Maths
21187 Pulling Their Weight
21203 Distance
21235 Year of the Cow
21275 폰 호석만
21314 민겸 수
21318 피아노 체조
21325 Free food
21386 Cutting Banknotes
21390 Pachinko
21395 연속한 소수 만들기
21396 이진수 더하기
21410 Сумма цифр
21472 Кинотеатр
21555 빛의 돌 옮기기
21570 Круглый стол
21599 아이템 배치하기
21662 Дипломы
21821 Acowdemia II
21868 미적분학 입문하기
21979 16진수 쪼개기
21980 비슷한 번호판
22037 DEX Save
22114 창영이와 점프
22189 K-cортировка
22217 Scales
22228 Table 7
22256 Competition
22281 Forest for the Trees
22397 jfen
22411 監獄
22455 You Are the Judge
22504 Calender Colors
22624 Strange String Manipulation
22653 Strange Currency System
22765 Make Purse Light
22937 교수님 계산기가 고장났어요!
22941 RPG 마스터 오명진
22971 증가하는 부분 수열의 개수
22973 점프 숨바꼭질
22994 이미지 축소
23082 균형 삼진법
23262 Staying Hydrated
23279 서열 사회
23322 초콜릿 뺏어 먹기
23323 황소 다마고치
23410 Multiplication and Division by 2
23416 Two Slicers
23561 Young한 에너지는 부족하다
23585 Least Number
23723 Hundred-Cell Calculation Puzzles
23757 아이들과 선물 상자
23782 Burizon Fort
23797 개구리
23910 Alien Piano
23917 ATM Queue
23973 표적지 옮기기
23977 To Find Password
24005 Cake
24065 Present
24158 ビルの飾りつけ (Building)
24186 Den trötte målaren
24247 King of cans
24259 Monopoly
24268 2022는 무엇이 특별할까?
24380 Коледари
24467 혼자 하는 윷놀이
24580 Land Equality
24595 Rise and Fall
24785 Turtle Master
24786 Cracking RSA
25101 Robin Hood
25139 SLOVA
25157 Genijalac
25212 조각 케이크
25257 Monty's Hall
25358 Deletive Editing